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Permission problems (was: Re: [jox-tech] Re: Review for CSPP)

Hi Vincenzo!

Yesterday Vincenzo D'Andrea wrote:
On 09/10/11 13:18, Stefan Merten wrote:
Hi Vincenzo, Mathieu!

3 weeks (26 days) ago Mathieu ONeil wrote:
This is not normal, as your "Reviewer" status means you should be able to access restricted content on the site.

True. Did you log in?

Yes, I did a few times. The attached screenshot is an example (a few
seconds ago)

There is also a group "Reviewers" - which is different from the role
"Reviewer" (I agree this is somewhat confusing...).

It seems that the *group* "Reviewers" had a problem - I got an error
message when I tried to access it. I recreated this group now - hoping
that I recreated it correctly.

Please give it another try.



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