Re: Money (was: Re: [ox-en] Food production and Free Software)
- From: "B. Fallenstein" <b.fallenstein>
- Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 23:08:48 +0100
Hi Stefan!
Stefan Meretz wrote:
In my view, the core is not profit, is not money as a thing, but the
selforganizing value, which rules the cybernetic machine called
capitalism. Think of labor, commodity, value, money, and capital of
different sorts of physical states of the same thing. I know, this is
quite different to usual understanding. I try to explain a little bit in
detail in No one
respond on that, maybe, because everything is clear - or nothing:-(
I found it very helpful (I've meant to say this earlier, but forgot to
do so-- sorry, too much stress). I do think it expresses my view on the
capitalist system very well. I think it's especially important to note
that capitalists *cannot* simply stop oppressing others, because the
system does not allow them to, which also is an experience all of us can
make on a daily basis: we know that through the things we buy, we
support e.g. oppression of farmers and factory workers in third world
countries, yet we *cannot* just stop doing so if we do not want to "drop
out" completely.
I do think, though, that it makes some sense to say "money is the
problem," because money *embodies* the machine (to me, at least). The
exchange medium is an integral part of the capitalist system as we know
it; if there were no money (or equivalent, which would boil down to be
the same thing-- like money on the bank is still money, as is paper
money, though both are abstractions over previous forms of money
already)-- if there were no money, there would be no capitalist society,
because direct trade works only on a much smaller scale. I have found
that starting a discussion about the subject with the claims that "money
is the problem" and "thus money should be abolished" is quite an
effective way for getting the discussion in the right direction (meaning
that people usually ask the "right" questions that help me explain what
I mean ;-) ).
Well, of course, again I'm talking about money not as a thing but as a
concept that is moving the cybernetic machine. But I would argue that
money *is not* a thing in any other sense, either. Most money today just
exists in the RAM of some computer, is a completely abstract medium of
exchange. And most other money exists as paper and has no value in
itself-- even though it is a thing, its moneyness comes from the meaning
the thing has to humans. Money itself is only the concept.
A new society can only have money like the game "monopoly" has money
(money only in the sense of paida-play as Benja explained). In other
senses money is not needed. Why money if there is no exchange?
I think you could say there would be no money. There could be play
money, but today nobody would argue that play money is "real money"--
because in the real world, it has no 'moneyness.'
- Benja