Money (was: Re: [ox-en] Food production and Free Software)
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan.meretz>
- Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2001 10:28:21 +0100
Hi Marco and all,
Marco Ermini wrote:
> This is my first post after a bit of lurking. That's a very good list
> with deep people and deep sights. I hope to stay here and see the list
> develop.
>>It's not new as a phenomenon. Money has not been new to mankind when
>>capitalism made it the core of the whole society.
> To be exact, maybe the core it's not "money", it's the profit. We may
> have a society with money but not profit (I hope). Marx thought about
> it in the "Gotha's Programme Kritick" (hope to write it well). Money
> are just an exchange medium, which becomes something important only
> when they become a "capital".
In my view, the core is not profit, is not money as a thing, but the
selforganizing value, which rules the cybernetic machine called
capitalism. Think of labor, commodity, value, money, and capital of
different sorts of physical states of the same thing. I know, this is
quite different to usual understanding. I try to explain a little bit in
detail in No one
respond on that, maybe, because everything is clear - or nothing:-(
Important is here: The capitalist game is not a problem of (unjust)
distribution, but of the kind of production. And in core free software
is exactly that: It is not a new type of distribution, it is a new type
of production with self-unfolding as core (of course including the other
three aspects StefanMn mentioned in the interview: self-organization,
global network, being free of economic value) - on the societal level.
A new society can only have money like the game "monopoly" has money
(money only in the sense of paida-play as Benja explained). In other
senses money is not needed. Why money if there is no exchange? Look at
free software, its production has nothing to do with exchange. And users
only take it. Taking and giving is unlinked (uncoupled?): You don't need
to give in order to take or get. It is the first time in history we have
such germ form here.
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