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Hi list! 2 days ago Benni Baermann wrote:
On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 07:02:52PM -0800, Kermit Snelson wrote:Just a quick note to the lurkers that I have chosen to respond to Graham and John off-list. If anybody else is interested in a critical discussion of Negri and Hardt, I'd welcome pointers to a forum that is more specific to that topic and that is either private or moderated.For me this is perfect on topic here. And i would like it to read your mails about this.
For me too. Interestingly enough Negri's Empire just popped up on the German list and there were a reference to a (interesting) Hardt article some weeks ago. When I'm at it just a word about on-/off-topic. This list is about Free Software and it's possible social implications including the possibility of a new society. IMHO that needs to be the root of all discussions here. On the German list - and I think in general when looking at such a broad topic - it makes sense to follow threads / thoughts thoroughly even if they leave the root. Until now my impression is, that people here have a very good feeling for what is on- and off-topic :-) . Of course there are lots of topics which are off-topic. For instance a discussion about the Russian revolution with absolutely no link to Free Software - which I could at least imagine to exist ;-) - I'd consider off-topic. Or trying to sell a used car to mention something rather absurd. Flames are not off-topic but they are simply bad, disruptive and keep people from telling openly what they think - which is poison for any fruitful discussion. Fortunately we didn't have these either :-) . Mit Freien Grüßen Stefan _______________________
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