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On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, Russell McOrmond wrote:
On Sun, 19 Jan 2003, johan soderberg wrote:So called 'free markets' exist only because of state intervention, monitoring and breaking up capitals natural tendency to monopoly.We agree on this. This is why a 'right libertarian' supports strong government intervention to protect "Intellectual Property", while a 'left libertarian' supports strong government intervention to protect "Free Markets". One group supports IP and opposes Anti-trust, while the other supports anti-trust but opposes IP.
I keep coming across people (who I thought were 'left libertarians') who are very much against any powers for government and believe that everything should be settled by the market (so for example, there should be no laws on use of drugs, no public school or hospital systems, etc.) Those people don't fit with your left/right definition (both your left and right are pro-government for different reasons) Is this a difference between Canadian and US libertarians? or are those people really anarchists? or just idiots? ;-) Anyway, I'm kind of curious why a libertarian like yourself bothers to hang out in a mailing-list dominated by people with marxist or similar backgrounds (don't get me wrong - I'm glad you do, I'd much rather have some variety than end up in a traditional far-left monopoly-of-the-truth-proclaiming sect!) Graham _______________________
Thread: oxenT00764 Message: 14/90 L8 | [In index] | ||
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