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Hi On Mon 18-Aug-2003 at 04:58:55AM -0400, Art McGee wrote:
Sectarians are generally paranoid, anti-democratic, and closed to new ideas. I would agree that those folks don't get it, no matter where they are. Maybe your connotation of Trotskyist is more positive over there, but in the United States, Trotskyists and those who identify too closely with specific Marxist currents are generally nutcases. I don't deal with those people. They are counter-revolutionaries.
Hmm, that is blunt! Perhaps the traditional left is essentially a product of the mode of production of industrial capital and that this is it's fundamental problem in the current period. If this is the case it might also explain why the traditional left organisations are so hopeless at making good use of the internet (if people want some more examples of this I can think of quite a few...!). Chris --
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