Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
- From: Christian Siefkes <siefkes>
- Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 20:12:08 +0200 (MEST)
On Fri, 3 Oct 2003, Graham Seaman wrote:
Rassists and neo-nazis? Anti-Semits?
Have you seen such people on oekonux?
No, and I don't think it likely they would come. But it's not just a idle
question, considering the anti-globalization movement. There the occurence
of nationalist and anti-Semite views is a serious problem, and parts of
the movement fail to clearly react and dissociate oneself from such
positions (cf. the discussion in the German section of Attac). I think
that's partly due to the unwillingness to take a political position beyond
some or other "question of interest", specifically by the unwillingness to
consider oneselves "left".
------------ Christian Siefkes -----------------------------------------
| Email: christian | Web:
| Berlin-Brandenburg Graduate School in Distributed Information Systems:
Der Gedanke, Simulationen könnten die Sache selbst sein, hätte schon
deshalb fragwürdig erscheinen müssen, weil der Computer ja durchaus nicht
nur geistige Prozesse simuliert. Niemand erwartet, dass
Computersimulationen eines Brandes der Alarmstufe fünf die Umgebung des
Computers in Schutt und Asche legen oder dass die Computersimulation eines
heftigen Regengusses uns alle nass werden lässt. Warum um alles in der
Welt sollte jemand meinen, dass eine Computersimulation des Verstehens
tatsächlich etwas versteht?
-- John R. Searle: Geist, Gehirn, Programm