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hi, 1. 'pseudonyms' and 'pseudomorps' ( for none greek readers 'false names' and 'false forms' )openness and classification of information is the telos ( end point ) of this project - the shape / architecture we adopt in our organisation will rotate this information just as polarised light is rotated when passing through a DNA molecule
the shape of the 'I' in all this, the self, the atom, is critical for growth of an organic structure - "DNA could not be stabilised in a helix if even a small proportion of the wrong-handed form [of amino acid] was present, so it could not form long chains. This means it could not store much information, so it could not support life." [1]
the shape of the 'I' enforced by the capitalist mode of production is the commodity form - this form, the shape we take, is dictated by the inorganic currency form ... silver, gold, oil - the shape we take is inorganic - this shape is a pseudomorph; our true shape is human
the shape of the 'I' enforced by this 'new' mode of production is raw I - that is we exchange our content, our information, directly with others to define and achieve telos - this is the mode of production of all successful families - this shape is organic - this shape is human
a petrified tree is a pseudomorph; over time minerals have replaced the cellular material of a living organism without disturbing its structure - petrified trees shock both the axe-man and the axe
the shape of the 'We' enforced by this 'new' mode of production is n-dimentional; each 'I' is connected to each 'I, the 'We', and to sub-sets of 'I' / classifications of 'We' - this structure is more stable than DNA and allows for the storage of much more information - this structure i trust will again shock both the axe-man and the axe from both within and without
2. the leftthis term to me means organisations who publish information claiming to represent the common interests of the working class - to me this claim is tantamount to these organisations claiming to be the 'We' of all the our commodity form 'I'
i do not know of any existing left organisation which has a structure that allows them to accept and share information
i do not know any left organisation which has an open, non-hierarchical structure which ensures a consensual and correct telos
in short i do not know of any left organisation who is using this 'new' mode of production - they are working in anti-thesis to the capitalist mode of production and their structure mimics the hierarchy of that mode of production
for me this is both a great shame and waste of information - a great shame because the left's theories are founded on the work of people who first of all were information architects - there is a direct root back from marx / engle via hegel to aristotle and their theories are based on the gathering together and categorisation of information
this is what they wrote:
Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality [will] have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises [of Materialist Method] now in existence.... and ... First Premises (of Materialist Method)The way in which men [people] produce their means of subsistence depends first of all on the nature of the actual means of subsistence they find in existence and have to reproduce. This mode of productionmust not be considered simply as being the production of the physical existence of the individuals. Rather it is a definite form of activity of these individuals, a definite form of expressing their life, a definite mode of life on their part. As individuals express their life,so they are. What they are, therefore, coincides with their production,both with what they produce and with how they produce. The nature of individuals thus depends on the material conditions determining theirproduction.
> The German Ideology - Part I: Feuerbach. - A. Idealism and Materialismtheir method is called Dialectical Materialism and it is not the property of the left - it is in the public domain - i think this method is appropriate for analysis of living organisms because it's why it was designed and it makes common sense; this is no doubt the reason why we are unconsciously using this method to produce FLOSS - the trick is now to be conscious of what we are doing already in the information kingdom and impose our telos in to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms
-- adam [1][2]
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