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Hi Martin, Hi List, Martin Hardie wrote:
why public domain???????why not "copyright owned" by oekonux but available for free use by anybody so long as that use is consistent with the principles of the oekonux project??
This is what I think:*It would be good to read the thoughts of folk who are adding content ... other than those who have already let us know
*Our intended Telos is to have our content in the Public Domain ... or am I confused ?
*Can you remember Seth's argument with respect to how the GPL would work to unite the clans if push at court 14/12/03 17:40:
The GPL is basically a stand-in for disciplined apparatus. Freedom flows out of the confrontation it presents. It is pretty cool. Few things are so cool. Try not to mess it up, though, okay? :-)
</snip>I don't think we could make a copy-left tool like this using our wiki content as an asset
*I can't think of how someone could use our wiki content against us ? If someone does maybe we should get into a dialog with them and win them to our cause ... or just use the debate to amuse ourselves / lurkers ;)
-- Adam _______________________
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