Michel Bauwens on Montag, 26. September 2005 at 7:16
Uhr +0100 wrote:
I am in broad agreement with the GPL Society
the only difference being that I see free software
a subset of peer production, but perhaps this list
thinks that as well?
Hi Michael, Magius, All,
glad about your words.
One of the ideas I would like to promote is that the
Oekonux community
creates an offspring working on a survey on what I
called the "Free
Modes", starting empirically by collecting examples
and even looking to be
Karels mail fired my imagination on that. He is not
only serious, but also
aware of the immense complexity of the issue and at
the same time of the
manifold attempts to break through the barrier.
Stefan Merten has started such a collection, at the
Oekonux Conference
2004 we brought it a little bit further
(unfortunately only in German) and
I now have provided place in the wiki to document
more. But it seems we
have little capacity left here to do the job, so I
use this as an
opportunity to send out a call for help or even
maintainership for such an
Instead of saying "what is a subset of what" we
should simply collect
things and compare them; I know this is not VERY
theoretical but we are
simply at the beginning of the work.
you can see my sketch at
--FreeModes group
I would be more than glad if something of this
research kind existed, but
I do not know of anything. But it requires more than
casual discussion,
its a goal-setting within Oekonux as community. I
think it is a common
goal which is more liberating than constrainting,
but still this would
require communication, organisation and real work. I
would be very glad if
we could find an interested group here and then seek
to expand it.
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de