Re: [ox-en] A 'Sharing' project
- From: magius <gmagius>
- Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2006 09:20:05 +0200
Three years ago I participated to the development of a software that
has similar features regards (physical!) books' & dvd sharing, called
DLP, Distributed Library Project.
I worked with some italian coders to the localization in italian
(translation), to a gateway to Public Libraries Database search engine
for ISBN codes (beacause in Italy doesn't exist Amazon that is used by
the software for searching ISBN) ) and to some enhancements regarding
users' privacy. At the end of our work we created an italian website,
that actually has about 1,200 users and 6,000 books, 700 dvds and
1,800 audio cds shared.
Basicly through DLP an user, that registers himself (inserting address
and zip) can insert books' and dvds' data and then can make a search
based on proximity (the system displays users that are near the asker
in kilometers or on a map) for users with similar interests or with
the book or dvd that is asked to share. When the nearer user is found,
the asker can ask to "take" the book or dvd and the system sends a
mail to the user that has the book/dvd requested so to make a date in
a street near to both the users and so they can meet to physically
take the book/dvd.
The origiinal project was abandoned and actually the most active
website is only the italian fork, but DLP basicly is a tool to
"create" instant local proximity-based and affinity-based communities
and if someone is interesed to further development the code (that was
released under GPL) could be used also to share other goods than books
and dvds. If you're a coder, you're welcomed.
The italian website:
The original project:
The original DLP code:
The italian DLP forked code:
2006/10/14, David Collins <david>:
I have been working on a project that I thought some of you might be
interested in. It's for people living in Dublin, Ireland - but I am very
interested in criticism from people on this mailing list. The project is
basically an attempt to facilitate the sharing of items such as tools,
books, and equipment that people may have lying around but aren't using.
The address of the website is:
Contact: projekt