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Re: [ox-en] Re: Free Software is not a gift

Stefan Seefeld wrote:
Gregers Petersen wrote:

and if there is no exchange there
will be no social relationship

How do you come to this conclusion ? Is all relationship exchange ?

I think if you - in a strict sense - follow the basic idea of gift-exchange; as being the foundation of all social relationships through the building/creation of reciprocity between partners. Then it implies, that if there is no exchange there is no social relationship (and no obligations). On the other hand, if you look at this complex from the point of view of 'transactions' (and not exchange) - there is room for quite a lot of different forms of "relationships" which include monetary exchange etc. Also several of the comments to my original posting has put attention towards 'generalized exchange' and so forth --> which leads to the reality that the terminology which is being used is somewhat "confused" or at least 'fuzzy'?

The terms which are being refered to, and who are in need of further discussion are:

- Exchange
- Generalized exchange
- Transactions
- Sharing

How are these terms understood and how are they related to each other --> and how can we understand the different forms of relationships and obligations within the free software reality?

What caught me was the notion, used in this context, of free software not being a gift --> a good statement, but it was difficult to "see" how this statement has come about (I completely agree, I am just interested in exploring the implications in relation to my own research project)


Gregers Petersen
Anthropologist, Ph.d fellow
Department of Organization & Industrial Sociology
Copenhagen Business School
Kilen, Kilevej 14A, 4.
DK - 2000 Frederiksberg
Skype: gregers.ioa

Free Software & Ownership
Contact: projekt

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