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Free in the sense of Free Software (was: [ox-en] Oekonux introduction)

Free in the sense of Free Software

This freedom is indicated by the capital "F"

* Absense of alienation

  * Needs to result from the direct needs of those involved

  * Self-organization

    Not organized by principles alienated from the project

  * Voluntary participation

  * Enables Selbstentfaltung

* Freedom is result of the process

  * Results are Free because of the process

    Can be used by anyone who needs them

    Implies that they are available without payment

  * I.e. unlimited externally

* Freedom is pre-condition of the process

  * The process doesn't work without Freedom

    Freedom enables contributions from all sides

  * I.e. unlimited internally

.. admonition:: Conclusion

   Defines a positive feedback cycle

Contact: projekt

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