Re: [ox-en] Re: Simply and Doubly Free Software
- From: Stefan Seefeld <seefeld>
- Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 17:57:39 -0500
Stefan Merten wrote:
Hi StefanS and all!
Last week (8 days ago) Stefan Seefeld wrote:
Stefan Merten wrote:
Simply and Doubly Free Software
I don't think it makes sense to attribute 'doubly free' to software,
as opposed to people writing it.
In a way yes, but to me that is one of the core Oekonux questions:
Does Selbstentfaltung as seen in Free Software written by Free people
has a major impact on the software? An impact which at least as a
tendency makes it distinguishable from Simply Free Software? As you
might have expected I think so and insofar the term makes sense
because it points to those qualities.
OK, I see where you are coming from. However, to start with this distinction
upfront is like setting the cart before the horse (or how is that said in English ? :-) ).
If you can show that indeed the Relations of Production make a qualitative
difference for the product itself, *then* that property can be 'sticky'.
However, while I'd like to believe this to be true, I think it is important
not to jump to conclusions too early, if you expect people to take what you
say serious (especially those not already convinced).
As I tried to point out, reality isn't black or white, developers aren't either Free
or bound by employment (or some other contract).
It's certainly a very interesting question to look into what kind of stimulus makes
developers write good software, and various modern companies try different novel
approaches to catalyze the process (e.g. think of Google's 'Summer of Code':
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