Re: [ox-en] Paid linux programmers: how do they work
- From: Michael Bauwens <michelsub2003>
- Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 01:03:27 -0700 (PDT)
- open source remains mostly nonproprietary software, but is increasinly produced by paid employes, true or not true?
I'm not sure what you mean by "mostly nonproprietary". How could proprietary and open source
(which is based on Free software) fit together at all ? Or are you really mean commercial, not
proprietary ?
It was my understanding that there are some hybrid formats, whereby companies keep part of their software proprietary, that's what I meant
- which side dominates: the corporate or the community?
This sounds like a false dichotomy. An important sector of the Free Software that is produced
(or contributed to) by commercial entities is developed in cooperation. There is no community
on one side and corporations on the other.
Hi Stefan, collaboration does not mean that one side cannot be dominant. Corporations could coopt the process and start dominating it. Are there safeguards against this, or is this NOT a problem??
- if the community is still a core element of open source, what is their relation to the paid employees
In as much as "paid employees" contribute to FLOSS projects, they are part of the community.
What else could be the incentive for corporations to participate, if not to take advantage
of the synergy of this collaboration ?
to make more money out of free labour?
- who decides on the main strategic directions of free software development?
Note that this can take different forms, depending
Is there any place to find an overview of such arrangements?
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