Re: [ox-en] Motto for the 4th conference
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan.meretz>
- Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2008 16:09:32 +0100
Hi StefanMn and list,
On 2007-12-20 19:50, Stefan Merten wrote:
"Beyond" seems to be a nice term. In "Peer production and Beyond" it
seems to me as if peer production is already well established and
it's time to make a conference at least partly for the "beyond". Are
we already there?
IMHO the term peer production describes the "beyond". Thus "pp and
beyond" does not make so much sense to me. Or what do you mean
with "beyond"? Do I miss the point?
I don't think, that peer production is already well established, the ox4
conference could be one step in doing so.
Problem with the term "peer production" is also that it focusses very
much on production. It might make more sense to generalize this more
for instance to include the topic of governance.
That's right from the viewpoint of a "production" being separated from
the rest of social life as we face it in ordinary capitalism. However,
one step to a free society is to re-embed production in this old narrow
sense into society leading to a picture, where living _is_ producing
life and living conditions at the same time. In this wide sense
production includes governance, for instance.
Is this idea the same what Michel means with "peer production as a life
In short: I like that focus:-)
What to you think of
The World of Peer X
Free Software and Beyond
Would open up peer production to peer X and would also mention the
root of Free Software so people can have an idea of what the X is
This focusses much on "peer" like "peer everything". but "peer" itself
is nothing, even not the solution of everything.
P.S. Happy new year:-)
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