What prevents ampleness? (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 18:38:31 +0200
Hi Diego and all!
I wanted to use the word "ampleness" instead of "abundance" because it
better gets across of what I mean here.
5 days ago Diego Saravia wrote:
Given the productive capacity of today we already could have abundance
of many, many things.
do you have examples?
The exchange system prevents this and must do so
to continue it's operation.
Well, I'd even put the question the other way around: At least in the
highly industrialized countries: What actually *prevents* ampleness?
The means of production are there, the raw materials are more or less
there, energy is there [1]_. In many ways we basically have all the
things necessary to actually have ampleness for the means of living
for many, many people. Wouldn't you agree?
.. [1] Though there certainly could be more intelligent and
sustainable ways to produce energy.
Yet in an exchange based system you "may not eat if you do not work".
In fact this is the basic limitation set by the exchange system.
If you look at the problem this way it would be very easy to have a
peer production based society. If the means of production would be
operated by people who selbstentfalt instead of being coerced to work
then the whole problem would be solved. Don't you think?
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