Re: Explanation of interest (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
- From: Diego Saravia <diego.saravia>
- Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 23:32:31 -0300
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2009/4/29 Stefan Merten <smerten>
Hi Diego and all!
5 days ago Diego Saravia wrote:
interest only reflect the fact that economy is a growing process and if
acumulate money you cant grow with it, so you must pay to have useless
Not really.
why not?
Very short: Interest is derived from surplus value
yes, indirectly, we are saying the same
production which is created by applying abstract labor.
In fact human labor (and nature - but this is not my point here) are
the only sources of (exchange) value.
nop, capital increments value production. (social necessary labor...)
prices not values are the meassure of exchange, so you must transform values
to prices (if you dont have uniform organic capital proportion, prices and
values are not proportional)
information, organization also (but you can copy it for free, so its not an
economic good)
Human labor has a price which is
set by the means needed to reproduce the worker - or course in a wide
sense including the costs to reproduce workers as a whole. However,
the abstract labor done by the worker is able to create more exchange
value than the reproduction costs are. This applies the more the more
sophisticated the (technical) means of production are the worker uses
for her work [1]_.
.. [1] The same argument applies to surplus *goods* of course and in
fact this the even more basic consideration. However, interest
is a term of the abstract exchange world and thus surplus goods
are not in the focus of this mail.
interest is pay for money, or are you speaking of taking a debt in goods and
not money ?
This is very basic knowledge and not very difficult to understand.
Funnily these very simple facts are ignored by the money trickery
I dont thing they ignore that
If you want to remove interest -
I dont want to remove interest
what is the problem with interest?
Diego Saravia
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