[ox-en] Re: Acquiring information goods vs. acquiring physical goods (was: Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion)
- From: Diego Saravia <diego.saravia gmail.com>
- Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 20:11:58 -0300
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2009/6/4 Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
Hi Diego and all!
BTW @Diego: I love it when you write complete sentences ;-) .
In spanish I work hard to write really short texts. In english I have
stronger reasons to write shorter ones.
Well, let's look carefully at this.
Today we take this for granted. 40 years back this would have been
plain magic. I.e.: There is a change in technology involved in this
whole thing.
exactly, that´s the point
By saying "apt-get install free-software" you are *not* relating to
the original creation. This is simply assumed as given at this point.
only distribution, yes
in cars, the design phase is a small proportion of car cost
in software its a huge proportion
design phase is independient of quantity, distribution not,
so low marginal costs are normal in software.
If now
1. Production of some physical goods is part of common infrastructure
2. Transportation of these physical goods is part of common
cost of physical goods are strongly related to quantity.
then you could acquire these goods also with marginal costs. Right?
"cero" marginal costs? (or almost cero) I dont understand "marginal cost"
without a quantifier
physical goods usually have big marginal costs.
If we see technology as an important preconditon then the question is:
How do we get the technology do create an infrastructure for (some)
physical goods similar to computers and the Internet?
you need scarce resources to copy physical stuff, iron , wood, fabric, etc..
Diego Saravia
Diego.Saravia gmail.com
NO FUNCIONA->dsa unsa.edu.ar
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