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[jox-tech] Remaining site issues (was: Layout)

Hi Mathieu and all!

Here is the remaining stuff I had on my list.

Last week (7 days ago) Stefan Merten wrote:
The title bar should also feature a login button.

I think I said this already but Mimbo has a Login link at the bottom
of the page. I think this suffices.

-Call for submissions (should be called « Home »; needs two subcategories: 
--call for submissions 
--submission guidelines)

I renamed the page. I don't understand what you mean by subcategories.
Should this become two separate pages? Then you have a plain folder as
the top level page - probably not what you want.

I still don't know what you are thinking of. Any comment?

--Theory stream (all research is theoretical, delete in my view; I will make suggestions later based on CFP categories)
--Activist (sorry, not quite happy with this subcategory either, too vague in my view; same observation as above)

I'll change this as soon as you come up with a stable set of

I'm still waiting for the categories - but there is no need to hurry

Perhaps we could have another category: for links to other projects? 
-« Resources »?

No problem. But please descide whether it should be a top level
category or in the `Project` folder. The space in the toolbar for
top level categories is quite limited and in the current theme the
toolbar is full already.

Mimbo has some more space in the toolbar so a Resources top level
topic is possible. Do you want it top level?



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