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[ox-en] Spanish translation of "Gnu/Linux - Meilenstein auf dem Weg in die GPL-Gesellschaft"

Hi lists ;-) !

Javier Fdez. Retenaga did some great work and translated my text
"Gnu/Linux - Meilenstein auf dem Weg in die GPL-Gesellschaft"
( into Spanish. I
understood, that Javier is from the Free Software Foundation Spain.

At the moment you can find the translated text (including all the
footnotes!) under

but AFAIK it won't stay there. A second copy under

may stay. There is even a pretty vivid discussion under

Unfortunately I don't know Spanish and so can't read that :-( .

Javier told me, that there is also a Spanish translation of "Das
Utopische Klo" (e.g., but I
don't know where it is.

I think it would be nice to have the Spanish people with us. Do you
think it would make sense to invite them to `list-en'? If
so, how? Or even create `lista-es'?

						Mit Freien Grüßen



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