Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan.meretz>
- Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 16:10:25 +0200
On Sunday 13 October 2002 04:20, pietro wrote:
so, if we start now to try to influence the academia maybe in 10-15
years governments will be using free software. shouldn't we be more
ambitious? isn't that too little? i'm in favor of publishing a book.
i'd love to help translating it into portuguese and publidhing it here
in brasil. but shouldn't GNU/Marxism be less reformist?
Of couse, it should be purely revolutionary, the pity is: What the hell is
that? Any action or thought which is not directed to an immediate change
of capitalist society to, say, communism, is by definition reformist -
completely independent of the attitude used for propaganda. Therefore,
reformism vs revolution does not help any. It is an dualism, which itself
is part of bourgois ideology (see Bush).
The main question of a book should be: What thoughts and theories can help
us to understand the qualitative shift we feel happen? The criterion for
"help" should be: Does it give new explanations or frameworks for
explanation, or not? Because being inside the process we cannot decide,
what is right/wrong, reformist/revolutionary, good/bad etc. And there is
no standpoint outside.
However, spreading a portuguese book version in Brazil would be very
cool:-) But maybe we should start with an english one?
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