How does it help getting Gnu/Marxism discussed in
theory, rather than getting people actually
I were adopting Pierre Bourdieus analysis of how the
neo-liberal hegemonic counter-offensive was planed a
decade before its take-over in the 80's. The captains
of industry vision a chain of influence from the
'Mathematician' down to the rightwing party-parrot.
Their first step were to change the academia, through
conservative thinkthanks, funds, right-wing
publishing, obscure libertarian journals etc. Not to
say that we should (nor indeed could) mimic their
hegemonic ambitions. But in my mind it goes to show
that they knew (know), that a semic shift in theory
would, in unexpected and intangible ways, trickle down
to the street and parliament. It is not a question of
'either go for theory or for involvement', they are
one and the same.