Re: [ox-en] Capitalism, GNU Oekonux
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
- Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 13:00:24 +0100
Hi Johan, MJ, list!
2 weeks (14 days) ago johan soderberg wrote:
Is that incompatible with oekonux?
Some boundaries or commonality must be defined for
'Oekonux' to be Oekonux.
Firstly I'd ask: Who is interested in labeling something this way.
I'm not saying that there are no situations where this sort of
labeling isn't useful - IMHO there are situations where it is useful
to draw a line in the sand and separate in and out. However, IMHO
these situations are seldom and mainly have to do with impressions
which may be provoked in people never heard of Oekonux before. Luckily
for the most part Oekonux is strong enough to correct false
impressions for those willing to really take a look.
The flow of thinking which made Oekonux a strong project, however, is
usually hindered by such lines in the sand and by labels like:
All kinds of perspectives that have a social outlook
and does not conform with hegemony (such as Marx,
Bourdiue, Debord, queer?, Bakunin, Weber, Focault
etc.). Why excluding the californian ideology in this
free exchange of ideas?
All these people / theories - as long they are worthwhile the effort -
analyzed reality in a specific way. Though I learned a lot from some
of these I don't want me to limit to any of these viewpoints. Instead
I am willing to learn from any viewpoint I can possibly integrate into
my own thinking. This open mindedness I think is necessary to come
closer to a better world - and which stopped for example the workers
movement from being fruitful.
I agree that for an effective communication there need to be some
common understanding. But this does not necessarily mean to mean the
same thing for one word. In this sense a word to me is an abbreviation
for naming a concept. The concepts are the important things not the
words. If a misunderstanding between two persons leads to a better
understanding of the underlying concepts that's great. If it is the
reason for a quarrel it is a waste of time.
In this sense the question:
Last week (12 days ago) MJ Ray wrote:
I asked
whether "Oekonux" was incompatible with it.
is simply the wrong question. This question simply does not make
sense. It makes sense, however, to discuss anything using the
knowledge we collectively developed during the past 3 1/2 years and
which is recognized by far more people than anything I have been
involved in before.
Mit Freien Grüßen