Re: [ox-en] OFF-TOPIC Nazi in Debian Alert
- From: "Niall Douglas" <s_fsfeurope2>
- Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 02:23:59 -0000
On 24 Jan 2004 at 18:01, Robin Green wrote:
This is getting very off-topic.
And what if their state tells them to fear and loathe Country X
which is "supporting terrorism" and "building weapons of mass
destruction" (without any evidence of course)?
Then they're like "Bomb the fucking towelheads, they're not human
So tell me please, what is the difference really? Racists "aren't
interventionist" until the state fools them very easily into being
such? (Which, again, I have to repeat, is a very weird slant on racial
separatism, to describe it as non-interventionist.)
You appear to be implying that the majority of the US population are
racists. I take offense at that and I hope you apologise.
The majority of the US population are *scared* which makes them act
in a certain fashion. Please read "Political Conservatism as
Motivated Social Cognition" by Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski and Sulloway
published in the Psychological Bulletin 2003, Vol. 129, No. 3, 339-
And you're implying that racists don't always believe that their
"race" is superior, only that it's different and should be kept
separate? Pull the other one, it's got bells on.
Racists are by definition insecure - otherwise the concept of
multiculturalism wouldn't scare them.
By the pathetic net attacks on Paul, there is already some evidence
that Mr. Walther or his associates wants to harm Paul. If Mr. Walther
knows a "racial comrade" in Leeds, or knows someone who knows
someone... you get the picture.
He didn't need to make public that he lives in Leeds. Even still,
unless he's very active there which I'm guessing he is it would be
hard to find him in a city so large. If he is known locally as an
activist, then he is just as much a marked man now as if he hadn't
done a thing about Debian.
Mr. Bowman appears to really want someone to fight, hence his lack of
regard for taking even basic precautions and being so forthright in
his agitation. Now I'm sure his heart's in the right place, but
wouldn't you have thought a more sensible approach could have been
taken such as using a different email address to email Debian members
with so that when the made his emails public as they surely would
have to, some measure of anonymity would have been preserved?
and believe it or
not, western culture has grown out of nazism. It will not return.
Um, this is blatantly contradicted by the end of your email in which
you write just what I was going to write in reply to this point:
(Consider here how the current US administration behaves, and how
with just a little more pushing eg; one or two more major terrorist
attacks - the US population could go where Germany's went after the
Reichstag fire. And they have the capability of destroying the
planet several times over).
You really are stretching it if you are claiming that the Bush
administration is either a racist or supremacist one! No, Bush is
something quite different but at the same time the same, and the
similarity is intolerance of others and the ability to ignore the
blatent obvious. But then faith does not require logic, or evidence,
or anything but conviction.
Whatever it is, it is not the national socialist movement nor
anything like it.