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Hi! Last month (53 days ago) alejood wrote:
Begin forwarded message:Message: 1 Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2005 12:39:48 +0100 From: jaromil <jaromil> Subject: Re: [piksel] Debian/Ubuntu monopoly (was: bluetooth receiver) To: p1k53l workshop <piksel> Message-ID: <20051103113948.GA13777> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
let's see how it is now: in the unlikely situation in which a normal user has still doubts about who wrote the software, one can look up on google. and of course obexserver only results are about debian, because the original software is called in a different way! (openobex) also, are you aware that most free software developers do code in spare time and currently donations are a major source of motivation for them? so tell me, how do the massess correctly realize whom to donate to in such a situation? in a scenario in which micropayement would work, debian/ubuntu would *monopolize* everything. and of course, they know how to make use of it eh, 250.000EU a year spent in developer meetings among people that compile things written by others:
Funny but jaromil's concerns remind me very much of the open letter Bill Gates wrote to "his fellow hackers" complaining about their pirate copying of his Basic interpreter (IIRC). May be it can be found somewhere on the web. Mit Freien Grüßen Stefan -- Please note this message is written on an offline laptop and send out in the evening of the day it is written. It does not take any information into account which may have reached my mailbox since yesterday evening. _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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