Keyword: Maintainer model (was: [ox-en] Oekonux introduction)
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
- Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 10:39:37 +0200
Keyword: Maintainer model
Software development is most of all a social process
Maintainer model is a frequent way to organize
Here: Doubly Free Software projects
* Voluntarism as fundamental pre-condition
* No alienated incentives
* Makes possible and requires personal decision
* Self-organization as fundamental pre-condition
* Without external command or alienated goals
Visible for instance in release dates
* Maintainer keeps the project on course
* Makes binding decisions
* Supervises adherence to internal project standards
* If necessary cares for further development
* Organizes consensus ("Nobody needs to object")
Not: Animosity
* Can not command other participants
* Mutual dependence
Participants need the functions of the maintainer
Maintainer needs the participants
* On failure: Fork
Productive forks are rare
.. admonition:: Conclusion
Balances conflicts in Free Projects in an optimal way
Contact: projekt