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Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Oekonux comments on Copyfarleft.

On 2008-01-05 14:21, graham wrote:
Detailed comments by paragraph can be given here:

Sorry, I can't remember how to add comments on opentheory (or maybe
recent versions of firefox do not display the comment option?). Even
when I log in I see no comments option.

You have to logon and subscribe to the project you want to comment on, 
please vistit and click 
the subscribe button. Then go back to the text. It works with all 

Arbeit/arbeitskraft are normally translated as labour/labour-power.
The phrase 'work force' or 'labour force' means "all the individuals
employed by a particular enterprise", it never means arbeitskraft.
If you really prefer not to use 'labour power' because it is too
technical (ie. only used by marxists) then 'ability to work'
(arbeitsvermogen) would be a possibility.

'Arbeit' can be translated as 'work' rather than 'labour' if you
wish, but there is a traditional distinction based on the footnote by
Engels to Capital Ch. 1 (English translation,

"The English language has the advantage of possessing different words
for the two aspects of labour here considered. The labour which
creates use value, and counts qualitatively, is Work, as
distinguished from Labour; that which creates Value and counts
quantitatively, is Labour as distinguished from Work"

Thanks for this fix! I uploaded a new version.


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