Re: [jox] A response to Michel and Jakob
- From: Michel Bauwens <michel>
- Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2012 18:19:57 +0700
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hi Christian, I'm sure you have read my different texts on material peer
production and that you are aware that making software and hardware are
quite different, as everyone in the field will tell you: i'm also sure you
know what immaterial is shorthand for, i.e. symbolic processing, so we can
skip those unnecessary discussions ...
what makes you believe that faced with healthcare issues, I will find with
certainty a right doctor and equipment willing to take care of me ... since
I'm facing this kind of issues right now as a peer producer without health
insurance, I'd be more than happy to follow your instructions ...
your work is interesting and I have read it, but I don't see any attention
on how to go from the current situation to one in which people's effort
just need to be encouraged and facilitated ... I read your book as 'how
things 'could' work' not as how they are working, nor, as to how we could
get there,that's what I mean by idealized ...
the way I see it, you asked yourself the question, how would a society
which would exclusively function around peer production, work, and you gave
an interesting answer to that question; my question is different, how do we
expand and make sustainable existing peer production processes, so that one
day, they may become the core of a new social functioning. It's a different
question, and requires different answers. Have you provided any to that
question? I would be very interested.
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Christian Siefkes <christian>wrote:
On 03/27/2012 11:36 AM, Michel Bauwens wrote:
that is indeed the main objection to an approach that imagines an
future situation.
Uh, did you read my mail (or my texts)? They are not about "an idealized
future situation", but about how to go from here to somewhere else (some
unknown future) and how to deal with the problems that will emerge while
doing so.
'real' peer production, i.e. as it exists today, works well for certain
immaterial tasks, but is still reliant on many market mechanisms for its
social reproduction and even to get things done ...; once it moves to
physical production, that dependence is even bigger,
What are "immaterial tasks"? How is writing software anything more
"immaterial" than, say, cutting hairs?
Also, did you head of open design, FabLabs, 3d printers and open-source CNC
machines, community wireless networks etc.? True, these are largely in
early infancy, but if you think that peer production is only about
immaterial goods, you are missing a great deal. If we want to reason about
the future, we have to think beyond what already exists today.
Best regards
|------- Dr. Christian Siefkes ------- christian -------
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