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Re: [jox-tech] Remaining site issues (was: Layout) (II)

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Um, I'll clean this up... 

----- Original Message -----
From: Mathieu ONeil <mathieu.oneil>
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 10:50 pm
Subject: Re: [jox-tech] Remaining site issues (was: Layout)
To: journal-tech

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Hi StefanDate: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 12:35 am(snip)> > Last 
week (7 days ago) Stefan Merten wrote:> >> LOGIN> >> The title 
bar should also feature a login button.> > I think I said this 
already but Mimbo has a Login link at the bottom> of the page. I 
think this suffices.

OK, as mentioned a minute ago if it could be 
moved over to the right that would give it more prominence but 
not a huge deal.

SITE STRUCTURE> [...]> >> -Call for 
submissions (should be called « Home »; needs two > 
subcategories: > >> --call for submissions > >> --submission 
guidelines)> > > > I renamed the page. I don't understand what 
you mean by > subcategories.> Should this become two separate 
pages? Then you > have a plain folder as> > the top level page - 
probably not what you want.> > I still don't know what you are 
thinking of. Any comment?

I called them "sub" because they are part of the page which to my mind is a category of the site but all I meant was that just like other pages have parts or categories which are in the page navigation bar and in the site map  ("journal" has three: "peer review", "people", "lists"), "home" has two parts... "call for submissions" and "submission guidelines".

-Research > >> --Theory stream (all research 
is theoretical, delete in my > view; I will make suggestions 
later based on CFP categories)> >> -Debate > >> --Activist 
(sorry, not quite happy with this subcategory > either, too 
vague in my view; same observation as above)> > > > I'll change 
this as soon as you come up with a stable set of> > categories.> 
I'm still waiting for the categories - but there is no need to 
hurry> here.

I dont know why I've been putting this off. Maybe I'm scared to mess things up. Sorry if you said this already but where exactly should I put these new categories? On the "research" page itself? In its navigation toolbar?

we could have another category: for links to other > projects? > 
-« Resources »?> > > > No problem. But please descide whether 
it should be a top level> > category or in the `Project` folder. 
The space in the toolbar for> > top level categories is quite 
 limited and in the current theme the> > toolbar is full 
already.> > Mimbo has some more space in the toolbar so a 
Resources top level> topic is possible. Do you want it top 

Mimbo toolbar would be fine, thanks.


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Dr Mathieu O'Neil
Adjunct Research Fellow
Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute
College of Arts and Social Science
The Australian National University
email: mathieu.oneil[at]

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