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Graham Seaman wrote:
On Mon, 15 Dec 2003, Martin Hardie wrote:On Monday 15 December 2003 15:33, Graham Seaman wrote:In other words, you would replace censorship with self-censorship and external discipline with internal discipline...sounds like Foucault/ Deleuze: from societies of discipline to societies of controlI never read anything by Deleuze, and the only relevant thing from Foucault I've read is Discipline and Punish - but going by that, the impression I have is that they associate this kind of internal control with capitalism. To me it seems that internal control in 'normal' capitalism (as opposed to fascist dictatorships, or ex 'really existing socialism') is not that successful
There is a continuum of visibility of power and control. The tricks that occur in political control are to remove the need for the direct application of force. So, for example, when I do not cross a police line because I know that my friends are crippled with long-term injuries as a result of crossing a policeman, and I do not wish this, then I am a subject of control. There is a fascinating discussion to be had about the origin of hierarchy from the activities of people who should be having S&M sex, but being frustrated in their sexuality go into politics, and end up in Control. The "internal control" is, I think, very successful. We are mostly not capable of breaching these domains of control. Elias Canetti's "crowds and power" covers a lot of this in the attempt to discover how fascism worked - so does the "Third Wave" article that is in the "Next Whole Earth Catalog" cheers, Rich. -- rich walker | technical person | Shadow Robot Company | rw front-of-tshirt space to let 251 Liverpool Road | London N1 1LX | +UK 20 7700 2487 _______________________
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