Re: Alternative exchange systems furthering GPL society? (was: Re: [ox-en] New economic model for free technology?)
- From: Michael Bouwens <michelsub2003>
- Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 21:42:22 -0700 (PDT)
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Dear Magius:
This is something I would like to understand better.
Isn't one of the current problems with money that there is too much of it floating around, 90% of the mass unavailable for productive pursuits. At the same time though, saving rates are going down, meaning we no longer care about the longterm or the generations to come, and credit is all to easy to come buy, as long as you have an income. In the US it is now possible to clear out your interest by continually chaning to 0% interest cards, etc.. etc..
So, if I understand the necessity for monetary reform, why would it force people to spend or exchange even more?
Can you explain or refer me to some texts about this,
magius <gmagius> wrote:
2005/10/24, Stefan Merten :
But what about services which need more means of productions? As long
as you are operating in an exchange based mode: What can prevent
things into turning into the classical capitalist mode with
capitalists and workers *and* at the same time be more successful than
this capitalist mode? Actually I think this is not possible and that
is why I still think:
In our model (FAZ), is possible to have "masters without slaves"
through free credit for all (not so different from Proudhon's
"People's Bank") issued in a currency that continuely looses value
(demurrage) and so is not possible to accumulate the currency,
"privatizing" it. Facilitating exchange instead of store of value,
imho, is possible to redisign money as a public tool. In this currency
is also given a basic income to all, so to have a basic redistribution
(without gnerating inflation) of wealth produced by a community.Sure
is not as a revolutionary system as is freesoftware one, but could
work to make transition.
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