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Re: [jox-tech] Re: Frontpage

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Hi Stefan

No, I meant right-side column subcategories just like on all the other pages? 
Not sure why this is a problem, probably a misunderstanding due to asynchronicity?



----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
Date: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 9:46 pm
Subject: [jox-tech] Re: Frontpage
To: journal-tech

Hi Mathieu and all!

6 days ago Mathieu ONeil wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
Date: Monday, November 1, 2010 4:05 pm

I reverted to the previous situation. Again there is no right 
column>> now. That was were we started last time.

Thanks. I have modified the text layout on this page so it is more
spaced out.

Ok. I'll improve it a bit when I'm back online.

I also found a way to actually *have* an empty right-side 
column! Will
introduce this as well so the spacing should be fine.

We can have two categories in a right-side column:

Mission statement
Submissions guidelines

As I tried to make clear I see no way to do this. I understood 
that by
"categories" you talk of pages. Since you didn't like it when I moved
the content to separate pages this could only mean to double the
respective content on other pages - which seems dumb to me and 
also is
probably not what you want.

If you mean a table of contents - i.e. show a list of headers - that
would be a different thing. This could be done on the top of the page.




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