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Re: Frontpage (was: Re : [jox-tech] Re: Spacing)

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Hi Stefan, all

Apologies for delay in moving forward.
In response:::

----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
Date: Monday, November 1, 2010 4:05 pm


I reverted to the previous situation. Again there is no right column
now. That was were we started last time.

Thanks. I have modified the text layout on this page so it is more spaced out. We can have two categories in a right-side column:

Mission statement
Submissions guidelines

I removed the logo from the frontpage.


AFAICS we tried now two solutions none of them you felt well with.
Before entering the next iteration: Do you really think that this
layout detail is so important for the success of the journal?

Apart from the readability of the toolbar (see next mail) and making sure all pages have a category bar I think we are done?



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