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oxen T05226 [ox-en] uv :: v ) e ) v ) raining stones kes, 20/01/2009
  1. Re: [ox-en] uv :: v ) e ) v ) raining stones
    L1, graham, 22/01/2009
oxen T05217 [ox-en] "Trading at Cost" with joule tokens marc fawzi, 16/01/2009
  1. [ox-en] Re: "Trading at Cost" with joule tokens
    L1, marc fawzi, 16/01/2009
  2. Re: [ox-en] "Trading at Cost" with joule tokens
    L1, Franz Nahrada, 17/01/2009
    1. Re: [Open Manufacturing] Re: [ox-en] "Trading at Cost" with joule tokens
      L2, marc fawzi, 17/01/2009
      1. Re: [Open Manufacturing] Re: [ox-en] "Trading at Cost" with joule tokens
        L3, marc fawzi, 17/01/2009
        1. Re: [Open Manufacturing] Re: [ox-en] "Trading at Cost" with joule tokens
          L4, marc fawzi, 17/01/2009
          1. Re: [Open Manufacturing] Re: [ox-en] "Trading at Cost" with joule tokens
            L5, marc fawzi, 18/01/2009
oxen T05216 [ox-en] open source infefficiencies wiki page Michel Bauwens, 16/01/2009
  1. [ox-en] Re: [p2p-research] open source infefficiencies wiki page
    L1, marc fawzi, 16/01/2009
    1. [ox-en] Re: [p2p-research] open source infefficiencies wiki page
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 17/01/2009
oxen T05214 [ox-en] and my reactions and summary of the cyberocracy paper Michel Bauwens, 16/01/2009
oxen T05211 [ox-en] towards a political strategy for commoning Michel Bauwens, 15/01/2009
oxen T05210 [ox-en] Fwd: Persistence of Manipulative/Controlling Power Due To Scarcity marc fawzi, 14/01/2009
oxen T05194 [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake Stefan Merten, 08/01/2009
  1. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 09/01/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
      L2, marc fawzi, 09/01/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
      L2, Stefan Merten, 13/01/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
        L3, Michel Bauwens, 13/01/2009
  2. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 09/01/2009
  3. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
    L1, Stefan Merten, 13/01/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
      L2, Stefan Merten, 23/01/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
        L3, Stefan Merten, 29/01/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake
          L4, Alan Toner, 05/02/2009
          1. Status of the conference (was: Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference at stake)
            L5, Stefan Merten, 06/02/2009
oxen T05184 [ox-en] Energy as Currency vs Money marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
  1. [ox-en] Re: Energy as Currency vs Money
    L1, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
  2. [ox-en] Re: Energy as Currency vs Money
    L1, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
oxen T05183 [ox-en] Re: Is "peer bank" client distributed ? marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
oxen T05181 [ox-en] Explaining Tit for Tat in the Context of Generalized Exchange marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
  1. [ox-en] Re: Explaining Tit for Tat in the Context of Generalized Exchange
    L1, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
    1. [ox-en] Re: Explaining Tit for Tat in the Context of Generalized Exchange
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 06/01/2009
      1. Message not available
        1. [ox-en] Re: Explaining Tit for Tat in the Context of Generalized Exchange
          L4, marc fawzi, 06/01/2009
oxen T05172 [ox-en] Coincidence of Events in the UK last week of march 09 Franz Nahrada, 05/01/2009
  1. Re: [ox-en] Coincidence of Events in the UK last week of march 09
    L1, Jonathan Gray, 15/01/2009
oxen T05167 [ox-en] Building axiomatic intelligence marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
oxen T05165 [ox-en] Updated: P2P Social Currency Model marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
oxen T05151 [ox-en] Compilation of material on open science and open biology Michel Bauwens, 01/01/2009
  1. Re: [ox-en] Compilation of material on open science and open biology
    L1, Jonathan Gray, 05/01/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Compilation of material on open science and open biology
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 05/01/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Compilation of material on open science and open biology
        L3, Jonathan Gray, 15/01/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Compilation of material on open science and open biology
          L4, Michel Bauwens, 16/01/2009
oxen T05150 [ox-en] A Willy Wonka Who Wants to Feed the World Robin Green, 31/12/2008
oxen T05146 [ox-en] OpenSource design for netbook Stefan Merten, 30/12/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] OpenSource design for netbook
    L1, Florian v. Samson, 30/12/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] OpenSource design for netbook
      L2, Soenke Zehle, 02/01/2009
oxen T05145 [ox-en] Impact of Free Software in the EU Stefan Merten, 30/12/2008
oxen T05144 [ox-en] P2P Energy Demand/Supply Algorithm and Other Responses // was Re: Update: P2P Social Currency marc fawzi, 30/12/2008
  1. [ox-en] Re: P2P Energy Demand/Supply Algorithm and Other Responses // was Re: Update: P2P Social Currency
    L1, marc fawzi, 30/12/2008
oxen T05143 [ox-en] Re: [p2p-research] The Case for Energy As P2P Currency Stan Rhodes, 30/12/2008
  1. [ox-en] Re: [p2p-research] The Case for Energy As P2P Currency
    L1, marc fawzi, 31/12/2008
oxen T05142 [ox-en] Some open science links, fyi Michel Bauwens, 30/12/2008
oxen T05138 [ox-en] Re: [Open Manufacturing] Re: Towards a P2P Thermoeconomic Theory marc fawzi, 29/12/2008
  1. RE: [ox-en] Re: [Open Manufacturing] Re: Towards a P2P Thermoeconomic Theory
    L1, Paul Cockshott, 29/12/2008
oxen T05135 [ox-en] Update: P2P Social Currency marc fawzi, 29/12/2008
oxen T05133 [ox-en] Does mimetic rivalry preclude Peak Hierarchy? Michel Bauwens, 29/12/2008
oxen T05126 [ox-en] Fwd: Libre Software Meeting 2009 - Appel a Presentation/Call for Presentation Stefan Merten, 27/12/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Libre Software Meeting 2009 - Appel a Presentation/Call for Presentation
    L1, Stefan Merten, 27/12/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Libre Software Meeting 2009 - Appel a Presentation/Call for Presentation
      L2, Amine Chadly, 28/12/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Libre Software Meeting 2009 - Appel a Presentation/Call for Presentation
        L3, Stefan Merten, 29/12/2008
oxen T05121 [ox-en] Fwd: Towards a Natural P2P Theory marc fawzi, 24/12/2008
  1. [ox-en] Re: [p2p-research] Fwd: Towards a Natural P2P Theory
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 25/12/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Towards a Natural P2P Theory
    L1, Stefan Merten, 04/01/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Towards a Natural P2P Theory
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 05/01/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Towards a Natural P2P Theory
        L3, marc fawzi, 07/01/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Towards a Natural P2P Theory
      L2, adam, 07/01/2009
oxen T05107 [ox-en] The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money" marc fawzi, 16/12/2008
  1. [ox-en] New Chapter in the Ethical Economy Book
    L1, Adam Arvidsson, 17/12/2008
  2. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 19/12/2008
    1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
      L2, marc fawzi, 20/12/2008
      1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
        L3, marc fawzi, 20/12/2008
      2. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
        L3, Michel Bauwens, 20/12/2008
        1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
          L4, marc fawzi, 20/12/2008
          1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
            L5, Michel Bauwens, 21/12/2008
            1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
              L6, marc fawzi, 22/12/2008
              1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                L7, Michel Bauwens, 22/12/2008
                1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                  L8, marc fawzi, 22/12/2008
                  1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                    L9, Michel Bauwens, 22/12/2008
                    1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                      L10, marc fawzi, 22/12/2008
                      1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                        L11, marc fawzi, 22/12/2008
                        1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                          L12, Michel Bauwens, 26/12/2008
                          1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                            L13, marc fawzi, 27/12/2008
                            1. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                              L14, marc fawzi, 27/12/2008
                              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                L15, Stefan Merten, 04/01/2009
                                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                  L16, marc fawzi, 04/01/2009
                                2. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                  L17, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
                                3. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                  L16, Michel Bauwens, 05/01/2009
                                4. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                  L17, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
                                5. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                  L18, Michel Bauwens, 06/01/2009
                            2. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                              L14, Michel Bauwens, 28/12/2008
                              1. RE: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                L15, Paul Cockshott, 28/12/2008
                                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                  L16, marc fawzi, 29/12/2008
                                2. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                  L16, Michel Bauwens, 29/12/2008
                                3. RE: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"[MESSAGE NOT SCANNED]
                                  L17, Paul Cockshott, 29/12/2008
                                4. Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"[MESSAGE NOT SCANNED]
                                  L18, Patrick Anderson, 29/12/2008
                                5. RE: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"[MESSAGE NOT SCANNED]
                                  L19, Paul Cockshott, 29/12/2008
                              2. [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money"
                                L15, marc fawzi, 29/12/2008
                            3. Unsustainable peer production? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                              L14, Stefan Merten, 04/01/2009
                              1. Re: Unsustainable peer production? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                                L15, marc fawzi, 04/01/2009
                                1. Re: Unsustainable peer production? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                                  L16, Patrick Anderson, 05/01/2009
                                2. Re: Unsustainable peer production? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                                  L17, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
                                3. [ox-en] Re: Unsustainable peer production?
                                  L17, adam, 14/01/2009
                      2. Near zero cost and general infrastructure (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                        L11, Stefan Merten, 04/01/2009
                        1. Re: Near zero cost and general infrastructure (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                          L12, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
                          1. Re: Near zero cost and general infrastructure (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                            L13, Michel Bauwens, 05/01/2009
                            1. Re: Near zero cost and general infrastructure (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                              L14, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
                              1. Re: Near zero cost and general infrastructure (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                                L15, Michel Bauwens, 09/01/2009
                    2. BitTorrent and tit for tat (was: [ox-en] Re: The Future of Un-Money // was "Re: There IS such a thing as peer money")
                      L10, Stefan Merten, 04/01/2009
                      1. [ox-en] Re: BitTorrent and tit for tat
                        L11, Stefan Merten, 06/01/2009
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: BitTorrent and tit for tat
                          L12, Michel Bauwens, 09/01/2009
                          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: BitTorrent and tit for tat
                            L13, marc fawzi, 09/01/2009
                            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: BitTorrent and tit for tat
                              L14, Michel Bauwens, 10/01/2009
oxen T05101 [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money marc fawzi, 15/12/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
    L1, Patrick Anderson, 15/12/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
      L2, marc fawzi, 15/12/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
        L3, marc fawzi, 15/12/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 15/12/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
      L2, marc fawzi, 15/12/2008
    2. Goal of a money reform? (was: Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money)
      L2, Stefan Merten, 04/01/2009
      1. Re: Goal of a money reform? (was: Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money)
        L3, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
      2. Re: Goal of a money reform? (was: Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money)
        L3, Michel Bauwens, 05/01/2009
      3. [ox-en] Re: Goal of a money reform?
        L3, adam, 09/01/2009
  3. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
    L1, Stefan Merten, 04/01/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
      L2, marc fawzi, 04/01/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 05/01/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] There IS such a thing as peer money
        L3, marc fawzi, 05/01/2009
oxen T05100 [ox-en] Volunteer computing with BOINC Stefan Merten, 14/12/2008
oxen T05093 [ox-en] The Kerala experience Stefan Merten, 12/12/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] The Kerala experience
    L1, Patrick Anderson, 12/12/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] The Kerala experience
      L2, Fouad Bajwa, 12/12/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] The Kerala experience
        L3, Stefan Seefeld, 12/12/2008
        1. Re: [ox-en] The Kerala experience
          L4, Fouad Bajwa, 12/12/2008
          1. Re: [ox-en] The Kerala experience
            L5, Michel Bauwens, 13/12/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] The Kerala experience
    L1, V. Sasi Kumar, 12/12/2008
oxen T05090 [ox-en] Fwd: Draft: Building Global Info Commons paper Michel Bauwens, 04/12/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: Draft: Building Global Info Commons paper
    L1, Fouad Bajwa, 04/12/2008
oxen T05088 [ox-en] germ form theory query Michel Bauwens, 03/12/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] germ form theory query
    L1, Stefan Meretz, 03/12/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] germ form theory query
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 04/12/2008
oxen T05087 [ox-en] Free Software, Free Society - Yes, we can! Yes, we will! Stefan Merten, 01/12/2008
oxen T05072 [ox-en] Where is a Common Linux? Franz Nahrada, 27/11/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Where is a Common Linux?
    L1, graham, 27/11/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Where is a Common Linux?
      L2, Stefan Seefeld, 27/11/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] Where is a Common Linux?
    L1, Stefan Seefeld, 27/11/2008
oxen T05059 [ox-en] verzola on abundance graham, 10/11/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] verzola on abundance
    L1, Stefan Merten, 06/07/2010
    1. Re: [ox-en] verzola on abundance
      L2, Diego Saravia, 06/07/2010
      1. Re: [ox-en] verzola on abundance
        L3, Diego Saravia, 06/07/2010
    2. Re: [ox-en] verzola on abundance
      L2, Soenke Zehle, 07/07/2010
oxen T05057 [ox-en] Seven theses about commonism Stefan Meretz, 10/11/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Seven theses about commonism
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 10/11/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Seven theses about commonism
      L2, Stefan Meretz, 11/11/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] Seven theses about commonism
        L3, Michel Bauwens, 11/11/2008
oxen T05043 [ox-en] Endorsement of a revolutionary proposal Franz Nahrada, 25/10/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Endorsement of a revolutionary proposal
    L1, Fouad Bajwa, 25/10/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Endorsement of a revolutionary proposal
      L2, Marcin Jakubowski, 26/10/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] Endorsement of a revolutionary proposal
        L3, Fouad Bajwa, 26/10/2008
        1. Re: [ox-en] Endorsement of a revolutionary proposal
          L4, Marcin Jakubowski, 27/10/2008
          1. Re: [ox-en] Endorsement of a revolutionary proposal
            L5, Fouad Bajwa, 27/10/2008
oxen T05040 [ox-en] conceiving the vision of an algorithmic economy combined with social credits Franz Nahrada, 20/10/2008
  1. [ox-en] venus project
    L1, Paul Cockshott, 20/10/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] venus project
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 24/10/2008
oxen T05038 [ox-en] Open patenting Stefan Merten, 12/10/2008
oxen T05037 [ox-en] OpenAccess gains momentum Stefan Merten, 12/10/2008
oxen T05035 [ox-en] Call For Paper EURAM 09 - OPEN MODELS IN KNOWLEDGE INTENSIVE SECTORS Andrea Glorioso, 07/10/2008
oxen T05018 [ox-en] protest politics conference Michel Bauwens, 25/09/2008
oxen T05017 [ox-en] the commons as the condition for the basic income Michel Bauwens, 23/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] the commons as the condition for the basic income
    L1, Franz Nahrada, 28/09/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] the commons as the condition for the basic income
      L2, Vasilis Kostakis, 28/09/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] the commons as the condition for the basic income
        L3, Franz Nahrada, 28/09/2008
        1. Re: [ox-en] the commons as the condition for the basic income
          L4, Michel Bauwens, 28/09/2008
oxen T05011 [ox-en] Invitation To Invention Expo Stefan Merten, 22/09/2008
oxen T04990 [ox-en] leapfrogging debate: where will it happen? in the west or not? Michel Bauwens, 21/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] leapfrogging debate: where will it happen? in the west or not?
    L1, Fouad Bajwa, 21/09/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] leapfrogging debate: where will it happen? in the west or not?
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 22/09/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] leapfrogging debate: where will it happen? in the west or not?
    L1, Tere Vadén, 21/09/2008
oxen T04972 [ox-en] Is Free Software a P2P Phenomenon? Patrick Anderson, 19/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Is Free Software a P2P Phenomenon?
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 19/09/2008
oxen T04965 [ox-en] Rivalness - on second thought Stefan Merten, 18/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Rivalness - on second thought
    L1, Patrick Anderson, 20/09/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] Rivalness - on second thought
    L1, Tere Vadén, 22/09/2008
oxen T04953 [ox-en] Open Sustainability Network Franz Nahrada, 16/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Open Sustainability Network
    L1, Stefan Merten, 18/09/2008
oxen T04946 [ox-en] Fwd: new reviews in cyberculture studies (september 2008) Michel Bauwens, 09/09/2008
  1. [ox-en] Malmö -free city
    L1, Adam Arvidsson, 09/09/2008
oxen T04943 [ox-en] Hiddinghausen talks, part 2: A network for sharing and shared production Christian Siefkes, 08/09/2008
oxen T04944 [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference - Second Call for Contributions Stefan Merten, 08/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] 4th Oekonux Conference - Second Call for Contributions
    L1, Stefan Merten, 08/09/2008
oxen T04940 [ox-en] Free Design for graphics card Stefan Merten, 07/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Free Design for graphics card
    L1, Florian v. Samson, 07/09/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Free Design for graphics card
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 08/09/2008
      1. RE: [ox-en] Free Design for graphics card
        L3, Adam Arvidsson, 09/09/2008
      2. Re: [ox-en] Free <something>
        L3, Florian v. Samson, 20/09/2008
        1. [ox-en] "Re: Free <something>" v0.2
          L4, Florian v. Samson, 20/09/2008
          1. [ox-en] Re: "Re: Free <something>" v0.2
            L5, Michel Bauwens, 21/09/2008
            1. [ox-en] Launching the Ethical Economy Book
              L6, Adam Arvidsson, 03/11/2008
oxen T04937 [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book Stefan Merten, 04/09/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
    L1, Christian Siefkes, 05/09/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
      L2, Stefan Merten, 16/09/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
        L3, Michel Bauwens, 17/09/2008
        1. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
          L4, Stefan Merten, 18/09/2008
          1. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
            L5, Michel Bauwens, 19/09/2008
      2. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
        L3, Christian Siefkes, 21/09/2008
      3. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
        L3, Christian Siefkes, 21/09/2008
        1. The real problem, was Re(2): [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
          L4, Franz Nahrada, 22/09/2008
      4. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
        L3, Christian Siefkes, 21/09/2008
        1. Re: [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book
          L4, Stefan Merten, 20/11/2009
oxen T04936 [ox-en] Hiddinghausen talks, part 1: An integrated collection of free design Christian Siefkes, 04/09/2008
oxen T04925 [ox-en] Re: MAP wiki Michel Bauwens, 30/08/2008
  1. [ox-en] Free Software Free Society Conference
    L1, V. Sasi Kumar, 05/09/2008
oxen T04929 Re: Physical and other contemporary limits to peer production (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: "At Cost") Michael Bauwens, 30/08/2008
oxen T04910 [ox-en] interesting conference in spain Franz Nahrada, 28/08/2008
oxen T04871 [ox-en] unsubscribing as well Michel Bauwens, 25/08/2008
oxen T04859 [ox-en] Fwd: freehacking union Michel Bauwens, 23/08/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: freehacking union
    L1, Christian Siefkes, 23/08/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: freehacking union
      L2, Zed A. Shaw, 23/08/2008
oxen T04852 [ox-en] interview with christopher kelty Geert Lovink, 22/08/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] interview with christopher kelty
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 23/08/2008
oxen T04851 [ox-en] Bangaloreans Say No to Software Patents Anivar Aravind, 22/08/2008
oxen T04841 [ox-en] Online Communities and Open Innovation: Governance and Symbolic Value Creation Michel Bauwens, 20/08/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Online Communities and Open Innovation: Governance and Symbolic Value Creation
    L1, Gregers Petersen, 21/08/2008
oxen T04766 [ox-en] summary of pluralist economy arguments which accepts market formats Michel Bauwens, 12/08/2008
oxen T04762 [ox-en] kontratieff cycles and generations Michel Bauwens, 12/08/2008
oxen T04761 [ox-en] Difficulties in moving from free software to free production Michel Bauwens, 12/08/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Difficulties in moving from free software to free production
    L1, Stefan Merten, 04/11/2009
oxen T04758 [ox-en] Fwd: from free software to free production, difficulties and solutions Michel Bauwens, 10/08/2008
oxen T04756 [ox-en] Oekonux participants on the 4th Oekonux Conference Stefan Merten, 28/07/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Oekonux participants on the 4th Oekonux Conference
    L1, Stefan Merten, 29/07/2008
oxen T04750 [ox-en] Toy dinosaur robot and the community Stefan Merten, 27/07/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Toy dinosaur robot and the community
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 27/07/2008
oxen T04749 [ox-en] Free Software profiting from state action Stefan Merten, 27/07/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Free Software profiting from state action
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 27/07/2008
oxen T04748 [ox-en] Gartner: Windows collapsing under its own weight Stefan Merten, 27/07/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] Gartner: Windows collapsing under its own weight
    L1, Franz Nahrada, 28/07/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] Gartner: Windows collapsing under its own weight
      L2, Michel Bauwens, 28/07/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] Gartner: Windows collapsing under its own weight
    L1, Samuel Rose, 28/07/2008
oxen T04746 [ox-en] new french book on money Michel Bauwens, 20/07/2008
oxen T04736 [ox-en] remarks on posting styles Stefan Meretz, 17/07/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 17/07/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
      L2, Stefan Meretz, 17/07/2008
    2. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
      L2, Holger Weiss, 17/07/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
    L1, Samuel Rose, 17/07/2008
  3. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
    L1, Stefan Merten, 24/08/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
      L2, Samuel Rose, 24/08/2008
      1. Apologies (was: Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles)
        L3, Stefan Merten, 25/08/2008
        1. Re: Apologies (was: Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles)
          L4, Samuel Rose, 26/08/2008
          1. Re: Apologies (was: Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles)
            L5, Michel Bauwens, 26/08/2008
            1. [ox-en] Re: Apologies
              L6, Stefan Merten, 27/08/2008
              1. [ox-en] Re: Apologies
                L7, Michel Bauwens, 28/08/2008
          2. [ox-en] Re: Apologies
            L5, Stefan Merten, 27/08/2008
    2. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
      L2, Christian Siefkes, 25/08/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
        L3, Franz Nahrada, 25/08/2008
        1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
          L4, Michel Bauwens, 25/08/2008
          1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
            L5, Raoul, 26/08/2008
            1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
              L6, Michel Bauwens, 28/08/2008
              1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
                L7, Stefan Merten, 28/08/2008
                1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
                  L8, Michel Bauwens, 29/08/2008
      2. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
        L3, Stefan Seefeld, 25/08/2008
  4. Subject based follow-up(s):
  5. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
    L1, Christoph Reuss, 25/08/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
      L2, Paul Cockshott, 25/08/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
        L3, graham, 26/08/2008
  6. Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles
    L1, Samuel Rose, 25/08/2008
oxen T04701 [ox-en] Re: P2P Foundation 2008 fundraising drive: please support our efforts Samuel Rose, 13/07/2008
  1. [ox-en] Re: P2P Foundation 2008 fundraising drive: please support our efforts
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 14/07/2008
oxen T04643 [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money" Stefan Merten, 30/06/2008
  1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
    L1, Patrick Anderson, 30/06/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
      L2, Samuel Rose, 30/06/2008
    2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
      L2, Stefan Merten, 25/08/2008
  2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
    L1, Michel Bauwens, 01/07/2008
    1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
      L2, Franz Nahrada, 01/07/2008
      1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
        L3, Michel Bauwens, 01/07/2008
        1. RE: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
          L4, Paul Cockshott, 01/07/2008
          1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
            L5, Michel Bauwens, 01/07/2008
        2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
          L4, Samuel Rose, 01/07/2008
          1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
            L5, Michel Bauwens, 03/07/2008
            1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
              L6, Franz Nahrada, 04/07/2008
              1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                L7, Michel Bauwens, 06/07/2008
                1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                  L8, Franz Nahrada, 06/07/2008
                2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                  L8, Samuel Rose, 08/07/2008
            2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
              L6, Christian Siefkes, 08/07/2008
              1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                L7, Samuel Rose, 08/07/2008
                1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                  L8, Christian Siefkes, 08/07/2008
                  1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                    L9, Patrick Anderson, 08/07/2008
                    1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                      L10, Franz Nahrada, 09/07/2008
                    2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                      L10, Christian Siefkes, 09/07/2008
                      1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                        L11, CTVN, 09/07/2008
                        1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                          L12, Michel Bauwens, 09/07/2008
                        2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                          L12, Christian Siefkes, 10/07/2008
                          1. Weighting labor (was: Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money")
                            L13, Stefan Merten, 26/08/2008
                            1. [ox-en] Re: Weighting labor
                              L14, Christian Siefkes, 28/08/2008
                              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Weighting labor
                                L15, Stefan Merten, 29/08/2008
                  2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                    L9, Samuel Rose, 08/07/2008
                    1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                      L10, Samuel Rose, 08/07/2008
                      1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                        L11, Franz Nahrada, 09/07/2008
                        1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                          L12, Samuel Rose, 09/07/2008
                          1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                            L13, Stefan Merten, 25/08/2008
                            1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                              L14, Samuel Rose, 26/08/2008
                    2. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                      L10, Franz Nahrada, 09/07/2008
                      1. Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"
                        L11, Samuel Rose, 09/07/2008

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