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  • Re: [ox-en] WikiWars - Call For Participation, (continued)
  • oxen T05825 [ox-en] Democracy and peer production Stefan Merten, 14/07/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
      L1, Till Mossakowski, 14/07/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
        L2, Stefan Merten, 15/07/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
          L3, Till Mossakowski, 17/07/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
            L4, Diego Saravia, 18/07/2009
          2. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
            L4, Stefan Merten, 07/10/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
              L5, Diego Saravia, 07/10/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
      L1, Diego Saravia, 14/07/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
        L2, Stefan Merten, 15/07/2009
    3. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
      L1, Vasilis Kostakis, 14/07/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
        L2, Stefan Merten, 15/07/2009
    4. Re: [ox-en] Democracy and peer production
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 14/07/2009
    oxen T05823 [ox-en] Fwd: [Open Manufacturing] "GOSH! Grounding Open Source Hardware" Summit Stefan Merten, 10/07/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: [Open Manufacturing] "GOSH! Grounding Open Source Hardware" Summit
      L1, Stefan Merten, 11/07/2009
    oxen T05822 [ox-en] FW: [spectre] Pirates at the Parliament: the big dream?! - An Interview with Magnus Eriksson from Piratebyran Mathieu O'Neil, 10/07/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] FW: [spectre] Pirates at the Parliament: the big dream?! - An Interview with Magnus Eriksson from Piratebyran
      L1, Stefan Merten, 15/07/2009
    oxen T05818 [ox-en] [Fwd: [F/OSS-Discuss] GOSH! "Grounding Open Source Hardware" Summit at the Banff Centre, Banff Alberta] Christian Siefkes, 07/07/2009
    oxen T05816 [ox-en] Journal initiative takes off! Stefan Merten, 05/07/2009
    oxen T05815 [ox-en] Open Database License (ODbL) goes 1.0 Stefan Merten, 03/07/2009
    oxen T05814 [ox-en] conference on search, amsterdam nov. 13-14 Geert Lovink, 29/06/2009
    oxen T05809 Re: [ox-en] Project / Book George N. Dafermos, 20/06/2009
    oxen T05806 [ox-en] Open Source Car - now for real? Stefan Merten, 18/06/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source Car - now for real?
      L1, Alex Rollin, 19/06/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] Open Source Car - now for real?
      L1, Christian Siefkes, 19/06/2009
    oxen T05803 [ox-en] Re: Stevan Harnad * Affinities and disaffinities among free software, peer-to-peer access, and open access to peer-reviewed research Stefan Merten, 15/06/2009
    1. Message not available
      1. [ox-en] Re: Stevan Harnad * Affinities and disaffinities among free software, peer-to-peer access, and open access to peer-reviewed research
        L2, Stevan Harnad, 28/06/2009
    oxen T05800 [ox-en] Fwd: Post on "Open Source Communism" Stefan Merten, 12/06/2009
    oxen T05793 [ox-en] Sharing / Cooperation / Collaboration / Collectivism Stefan Merten, 04/06/2009
    oxen T05773 [ox-en] Pirate party Stefan Merten, 01/06/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Pirate party
      L1, magius, 01/06/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Pirate party
        L2, Stefan Meretz, 01/06/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Pirate party
          L3, Stefan Merten, 14/06/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Pirate party
            L4, Stefan Meretz, 20/06/2009
    oxen T05752 [ox-en] Peer production manifesto? Stefan Merten, 24/05/2009
    1. [ox-en] Re: Peer production manifesto?
      L1, Michel Bauwens, 25/05/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] Peer production manifesto?
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 26/05/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Peer production manifesto?
        L2, Diego Saravia, 26/05/2009
        1. [ox-en] Project / Book
          L3, Mathieu O'Neil, 27/05/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
            L4, Diego Saravia, 27/05/2009
          2. RE: [ox-en] Project / Book
            L4, Wittel, Andreas, 27/05/2009
          3. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
            L4, Stefan Meretz, 28/05/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
              L5, Mathieu O'Neil, 29/05/2009
              1. RE : [ox-en] Project / Book
                L6, emmanuel, 01/06/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
                  L7, Stefan Meretz, 01/06/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
                    L8, Mathieu O'Neil, 01/06/2009
                  2. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
                    L8, emmanuel, 02/06/2009
              2. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
                L6, Christian Siefkes, 05/06/2009
              3. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
                L6, Raoul, 12/06/2009
                1. RE: [ox-en] Project / Book
                  L7, Mathieu O'Neil, 17/06/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
                    L8, Stefan Merten, 06/07/2009
            2. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
              L5, Christian Siefkes, 02/06/2009
          4. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
            L4, Stefan Merten, 03/06/2009
          5. Re: [ox-en] Project / Book
            L4, Stefan Merten, 03/06/2009
          6. Growth, green movement and peer production (was: [ox-en] Project / Book)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 27/09/2010
          7. Elitism and peer production (was: [ox-en] Project / Book)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 27/09/2010
          8. Large infrastructure and peer production (was: [ox-en] Project / Book)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 27/09/2010
        2. Re: [ox-en] Peer production manifesto?
          L3, Stefan Meretz, 27/05/2009
      2. Re: [ox-en] Peer production manifesto?
        L2, Christian Siefkes, 28/05/2009
      3. Re: [ox-en] Peer production manifesto?
        L2, Stefan Merten, 04/06/2009
    oxen T05749 Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of Franz Nahrada, 23/05/2009
    1. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
      L1, Andreas Exner, 23/05/2009
      1. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
        L2, Jonas Bertucci, 25/05/2009
    2. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
      L1, Stefan Merten, 27/05/2009
      1. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
        L2, Andreas Exner, 30/05/2009
        1. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
          L3, Stefan Merten, 04/06/2009
          1. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
            L4, Stefan Merten, 08/06/2009
            1. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
              L5, Stefan Merten, 15/06/2009
              1. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
                L6, Andreas Exner, 15/06/2009
              2. Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
                L6, Stefan Merten, 25/06/2009
    oxen T05748 [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of social economy and peer production" Stefan Merten, 23/05/2009
    oxen T05747 [ox-en] Equitable licensing for drugs Stefan Merten, 21/05/2009
    oxen T05739 [ox-en] ox4 Notes IV: Case Study of a Large Free Software Project Christian Siefkes, 15/05/2009
    1. Mission critical decisions in peer projects (was: [ox-en] ox4 Notes IV: Case Study of a Large Free Software Project)
      L1, Stefan Merten, 10/08/2010
    oxen T05727 [ox-en] Website (was: Politics and Oekonux) Stefan Meretz, 11/05/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Website (was: Politics and Oekonux)
      L1, Mathieu O'Neil, 12/05/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Website (was: Politics and Oekonux)
        L2, marc fawzi, 12/05/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Website (was: Politics and Oekonux)
          L3, Mathieu O'Neil, 12/05/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] Website
      L1, Stefan Merten, 14/05/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Website
        L2, Mathieu O'Neil, 15/05/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Website
          L3, Stefan Meretz, 17/05/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Website
            L4, Stefan Merten, 19/05/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Website
              L5, Stefan Merten, 19/05/2009
            2. Re: [ox-en] Website
              L5, Stefan Meretz, 20/05/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] Website
                L6, Stefan Merten, 27/05/2009
    oxen T05708 [ox-en] announcing list fasting Franz Nahrada, 09/05/2009
    oxen T05679 [ox-en] Integral Calculus Modeling - You Can Too! Alex Rollin, 08/05/2009
    1. [ox-en] Re: Integral Calculus Modeling - You Can Too!
      L1, Michel Bauwens, 09/05/2009
      1. [ox-en] Re: Integral Calculus Modeling - You Can Too!
        L2, Alex Rollin, 09/05/2009
        1. [ox-en] Re: Integral Calculus Modeling - You Can Too!
          L3, Michel Bauwens, 09/05/2009
          1. [ox-en] Re: Integral Calculus Modeling - You Can Too!
            L4, Alex Rollin, 09/05/2009
            1. [ox-en] Re: Integral Calculus Modeling - You Can Too!
              L5, Michel Bauwens, 09/05/2009
    oxen T05676 [ox-en] [Communia-newsletter] Newsletter 6 May 2009 COMMUNIA Press, 07/05/2009
    oxen T05677 Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion Alex Rollin, 07/05/2009
    1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Michel Bauwens, 08/05/2009
    oxen T05584 Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion Christoph Reuss, 05/05/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Stefan Seefeld, 05/05/2009
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Diego Saravia, 05/05/2009
    4. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Christoph Reuss, 05/05/2009
    5. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Diego Saravia, 05/05/2009
    6. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Christoph Reuss, 05/05/2009
    7. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Diego Saravia, 05/05/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
        L2, Smári McCarthy, 06/05/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
          L3, Diego Saravia, 06/05/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
            L4, Michel Bauwens, 06/05/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
              L5, Diego Saravia, 06/05/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                L6, Michel Bauwens, 06/05/2009
            2. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
              L5, Alex Rollin, 06/05/2009
          2. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
            L4, Smári McCarthy, 06/05/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
              L5, Diego Saravia, 06/05/2009
            2. Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
              L5, Franz Nahrada, 06/05/2009
              1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                L6, marc fawzi, 06/05/2009
                1. [ox-en] Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                  L7, Franz Nahrada, 06/05/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                    L8, marc fawzi, 06/05/2009
              2. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                L6, Smári McCarthy, 06/05/2009
                1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                  L7, marc fawzi, 06/05/2009
                  1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                    L8, Smári McCarthy, 06/05/2009
                2. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                  L7, Franz Nahrada, 06/05/2009
                  1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                    L8, Patrick Anderson, 06/05/2009
                    1. [ox-en] Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                      L9, Franz Nahrada, 07/05/2009
                3. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                  L7, Stefan Seefeld, 06/05/2009
                  1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                    L8, marc fawzi, 06/05/2009
                    1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                      L9, Patrick Anderson, 06/05/2009
                      1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                        L10, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                        1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                          L11, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                          1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                            L12, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                            1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                              L13, Michel Bauwens, 07/05/2009
                              1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                L14, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                                1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                  L15, Michel Bauwens, 08/05/2009
                                  1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L16, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  2. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L17, Michel Bauwens, 08/05/2009
                                  3. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L18, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  4. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L19, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  5. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L19, Michel Bauwens, 08/05/2009
                                  6. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L20, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  7. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L21, Michel Bauwens, 11/05/2009
                                  8. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L22, marc fawzi, 11/05/2009
                                  9. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L23, Michel Bauwens, 11/05/2009
                                  10. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L24, marc fawzi, 11/05/2009
                                  11. [ox-en] Politics and Oekonux
                                    L25, Mathieu O'Neil, 11/05/2009
                                  12. Re: [ox-en] Politics and Oekonux
                                    L26, Stefan Merten, 11/05/2009
                    2. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                      L9, Smári McCarthy, 06/05/2009
                  2. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                    L8, Diego Saravia, 07/05/2009
                    1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                      L9, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                      1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                        L10, Diego Saravia, 07/05/2009
                        1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                          L11, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                          1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                            L12, Diego Saravia, 07/05/2009
                            1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                              L13, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                              1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                L14, Diego Saravia, 07/05/2009
                              2. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                L14, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                                1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                  L15, Patrick Anderson, 07/05/2009
                                  1. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L16, marc fawzi, 07/05/2009
                                  2. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L17, Patrick Anderson, 07/05/2009
                                  3. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L18, Alex Rollin, 07/05/2009
                                  4. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L18, Diego Saravia, 07/05/2009
                                  5. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L19, Patrick Anderson, 07/05/2009
                                  6. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L20, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  7. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L20, Diego Saravia, 08/05/2009
                                  8. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L21, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  9. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L22, Diego Saravia, 08/05/2009
                                  10. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L20, Diego Saravia, 08/05/2009
                                  11. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L21, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  12. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L22, marc fawzi, 08/05/2009
                                  13. Re: Profit and Value, was: Re(2): [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
                                    L16, Diego Saravia, 07/05/2009
    8. Re: [ox-en] extrinsic motivation = coercion
      L1, Christoph Reuss, 05/05/2009
    oxen T05578 [ox-en] ox4 Notes III: Money and Patterns Christian Siefkes, 04/05/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] ox4 Notes III: Money and Patterns
      L1, Michel Bauwens, 06/05/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] ox4 Notes III: Money and Patterns
        L2, Christian Siefkes, 18/05/2009
    oxen T05573 [ox-en] Re: A Thank You Message + Fundable Clone Alex Rollin, 04/05/2009
    1. [ox-en] Re: A Thank You Message + Fundable Clone
      L1, marc fawzi, 04/05/2009
      1. [ox-en] Re: A Thank You Message + Fundable Clone
        L2, Alex Rollin, 04/05/2009
        1. [ox-en] Re: A Thank You Message + Fundable Clone
          L3, marc fawzi, 04/05/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: A Thank You Message + Fundable Clone
            L4, Stefan Merten, 06/05/2009
    oxen T05570 [ox-en] selbstentfaltung - definition Alex Rollin, 04/05/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] selbstentfaltung - definition
      L1, Diego Saravia, 04/05/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] selbstentfaltung - definition
        L2, Diego Saravia, 04/05/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] selbstentfaltung - definition
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 04/05/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] selbstentfaltung - definition
        L2, Diego Saravia, 05/05/2009
    oxen T05555 Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness? Christoph Reuss, 01/05/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
      L1, Stefan Seefeld, 01/05/2009
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
      L1, Christoph Reuss, 01/05/2009
    4. Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
      L1, Christoph Reuss, 02/05/2009
    oxen T05531 [ox-en] OpenAccess P2P / Oekonux journal Stefan Merten, 29/04/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] OpenAccess P2P / Oekonux journal
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 30/04/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] OpenAccess P2P / Oekonux journal
      L1, Stefan Merten, 28/05/2009
    oxen T05515 [ox-en] Minting P2P Currency Alex Rollin, 28/04/2009
    oxen T05466 [ox-en] Administrative request: Cross-posting Stefan Merten, 23/04/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Administrative request: Cross-posting
      L1, Michel Bauwens, 24/04/2009
    oxen T05464 [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange? Evgeni Pandurski, 23/04/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
      L1, Michel Bauwens, 24/04/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
        L2, Evgeni Pandurski, 24/04/2009
      2. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
        L2, Evgeni Pandurski, 24/04/2009
    2. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
      L1, Diego Saravia, 24/04/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
        L2, Evgeni Pandurski, 24/04/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
          L3, Diego Saravia, 24/04/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
            L4, Evgeni Pandurski, 24/04/2009
      2. Explanation of interest (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
        L2, Stefan Merten, 29/04/2009
        1. Re: Explanation of interest (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
          L3, Michel Bauwens, 30/04/2009
          1. [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 08/05/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
              L5, Franz Nahrada, 08/05/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                L6, Diego Saravia, 08/05/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                  L7, marc fawzi, 09/05/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                    L8, Diego Saravia, 09/05/2009
                    1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                      L9, marc fawzi, 09/05/2009
                      1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                        L10, Franz Nahrada, 09/05/2009
                        1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                          L11, marc fawzi, 09/05/2009
                        2. List of questions (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                          L11, Stefan Merten, 11/05/2009
                          1. Re: List of questions (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                            L12, Diego Saravia, 11/05/2009
                          2. Re: List of questions (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                            L12, CTVN, 12/05/2009
                            1. [ox-en] Re: List of questions
                              L13, Stefan Merten, 04/06/2009
                              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: List of questions
                                L14, Patrick Anderson, 04/06/2009
                                1. Ownership and means of production (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: List of questions)
                                  L15, Stefan Merten, 22/09/2010
              2. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                L6, Michel Bauwens, 09/05/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                  L7, Alex Rollin, 09/05/2009
                2. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                  L7, Franz Nahrada, 09/05/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                    L8, Alex Rollin, 09/05/2009
                  2. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                    L8, Michel Bauwens, 09/05/2009
                3. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 11/05/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                    L8, marc fawzi, 12/05/2009
                  2. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                    L8, Christian Siefkes, 12/05/2009
              3. The refrigerator principle (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                L6, Stefan Merten, 11/05/2009
                1. Re: The refrigerator principle (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                  L7, Diego Saravia, 11/05/2009
              4. New views on gift economy (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                L6, Stefan Merten, 11/05/2009
                1. Re: New views on gift economy (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                  L7, Diego Saravia, 11/05/2009
                  1. Re: New views on gift economy (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                    L8, Alex Rollin, 11/05/2009
                  2. [ox-en] Importance of attention? (Re: New views on gift economy)
                    L8, Stefan Merten, 27/05/2009
        2. Re: Explanation of interest (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
          L3, Diego Saravia, 30/04/2009
          1. Re: Explanation of interest (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
            L4, Michel Bauwens, 30/04/2009
            1. Re: Explanation of interest (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
              L5, Diego Saravia, 30/04/2009
              1. Re: Explanation of interest (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
                L6, Michel Bauwens, 30/04/2009
            2. [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
              L5, Stefan Merten, 08/05/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                L6, Smári McCarthy, 09/05/2009
                1. The challenges of Oekonux (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 11/05/2009
              2. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                L6, Michel Bauwens, 10/05/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 11/05/2009
                  1. On-topic and off-topic (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                    L8, Christian Siefkes, 12/05/2009
                    1. [ox-en] Re: On-topic and off-topic
                      L9, Stefan Meretz, 12/05/2009
                    2. Re: On-topic and off-topic (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)
                      L9, Mathieu O'Neil, 13/05/2009
            3. [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
              L5, Stefan Merten, 09/05/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                L6, Michel Bauwens, 09/05/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                  L7, Diego Saravia, 09/05/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                    L8, Michel Bauwens, 09/05/2009
                  2. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                    L8, Alex Rollin, 09/05/2009
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                      L9, Diego Saravia, 09/05/2009
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                        L10, Alex Rollin, 09/05/2009
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                          L11, Diego Saravia, 09/05/2009
                          1. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                            L12, Alex Rollin, 09/05/2009
                2. Re: [ox-en] Necessary growth (was: Re: Explanation of interest)
                  L7, Franz Nahrada, 09/05/2009
    3. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
      L1, Stefan Merten, 24/04/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
        L2, Diego Saravia, 24/04/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
          L3, Patrick Anderson, 24/04/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
            L4, Diego Saravia, 24/04/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
              L5, Patrick Anderson, 25/04/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                L6, Diego Saravia, 25/04/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                  L7, Diego Saravia, 25/04/2009
                2. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                  L7, Michel Bauwens, 26/04/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                    L8, Diego Saravia, 26/04/2009
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                      L9, Michel Bauwens, 27/04/2009
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                        L10, Patrick Anderson, 27/04/2009
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                          L11, Michel Bauwens, 27/04/2009
          2. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
            L4, Amine Chadly, 24/04/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
              L5, Evgeni Pandurski, 25/04/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
                L6, Diego Saravia, 25/04/2009
            2. Selling Free Software (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
              L5, Stefan Merten, 29/04/2009
              1. [ox-en] Re: Selling Free Software
                L6, Stefan Seefeld, 29/04/2009
        2. What prevents ampleness? (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
          L3, Stefan Merten, 29/04/2009
          1. Re: What prevents ampleness? (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
            L4, Michel Bauwens, 30/04/2009
          2. Re: What prevents ampleness? (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
            L4, Diego Saravia, 30/04/2009
          3. Re: What prevents ampleness? (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
            L4, Patrick Anderson, 01/05/2009
            1. [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
              L5, Stefan Meretz, 01/05/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
                L6, Patrick Anderson, 01/05/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
                  L7, Stefan Meretz, 02/05/2009
              2. Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
                L6, Diego Saravia, 01/05/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: What prevents ampleness?
                  L7, Amine Chadly, 01/05/2009
      2. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
        L2, Evgeni Pandurski, 24/04/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
          L3, Diego Saravia, 24/04/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
            L4, Evgeni Pandurski, 24/04/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?
              L5, Diego Saravia, 24/04/2009
          2. Limiting use (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 29/04/2009
            1. Re: Limiting use (was: Re: [ox-en] Apple trees (aka capitalism) are bad. What about barter exchange?)
              L5, Diego Saravia, 30/04/2009
    oxen T05425 [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion Patrick Anderson, 21/04/2009
    1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
      L1, Diego Saravia, 21/04/2009
      1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
        L2, marc fawzi, 21/04/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
          L3, Diego Saravia, 21/04/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
            L4, Diego Saravia, 21/04/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
              L5, marc fawzi, 21/04/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
                L6, marc fawzi, 21/04/2009
          2. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
            L4, Patrick Anderson, 21/04/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
              L5, Diego Saravia, 22/04/2009
              1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
                L6, marc fawzi, 22/04/2009
                1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
                  L7, Diego Saravia, 22/04/2009
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
                    L8, marc fawzi, 22/04/2009
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
                      L9, Diego Saravia, 22/04/2009
        2. Re: [p2p-research] [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
          L3, Michel Bauwens, 22/04/2009
      2. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
        L2, Robin Green, 22/04/2009
        1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
          L3, Diego Saravia, 22/04/2009
          1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
            L4, marc fawzi, 22/04/2009
            1. Re: [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
              L5, Diego Saravia, 22/04/2009
            2. Re: [p2p-research] [ox-en] Marginalism - the religion
              L5, Michel Bauwens, 22/04/2009

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