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  • Re: [ox-en] non-commercial software lic, (continued)
  • oxen T02483 [ox-en] Fwd: WOS3 newsletter 1 / 2004 - English Stefan Merten, 26/04/2004
    oxen T02481 [ox-en] Fwd: Preliminary Injunction for GPL Infringement Stefan Merten, 18/04/2004
    oxen T02482 [ox-en] conference on free cooperation geert, 18/04/2004
    oxen T02480 [ox-en] [open theory] mail server abgeschaltet / out of service Stefan Meretz, 16/04/2004
    oxen T02479 [ox-en] Helping the conference Stefan Merten, 15/04/2004
    oxen T02478 [ox-en] Invitation 3rd Oekonux Conference Stefan Merten, 13/04/2004
    oxen T02477 [ox-en] Fwd: Lessig: Free Culture Stefan Merten, 03/04/2004
    oxen T02476 [ox-en] Re: [hipatia] WIZARDS OF OS 3 - The Future of the Digital Commons Martin Olivera, 01/04/2004
    oxen T02474 [ox-en] News from the front Stefan Merten, 27/03/2004
    oxen T02471 [ox-en] Administrative note: Moderation for list-en Stefan Merten, 21/03/2004
    oxen T02465 [ox-en] Fwd: African hackers gather in Namibia Stefan Merten, 19/03/2004
    oxen T02467 [ox-en] this is maybe my response z3118338, 19/03/2004
      Subject based follow-up(s):
    1. [ox-en] this is maybe my response
      L1, auskadi, 19/03/2004
    oxen T02462 [ox-en] criminal charges against former Yahoo! over the availability of Nazi content auskadi, 19/03/2004
    oxen T02464 [ox-en] new open source conference info (fwd) Thomas Berker, 17/03/2004
    oxen T02460 [ox-en] Can someone tell me which one is the "real" wiki?? z3118338, 17/03/2004
    oxen T02456 [ox-en] State of the English list Stefan Merten, 16/03/2004
    1. the GPL society, theory or practice? WAS: Re: [ox-en] State of the English list
      L1, John Bywater, 17/03/2004
      1. Re: the GPL society, theory or practice? WAS: Re: [ox-en] State of the English list
        L2, z3118338, 17/03/2004
      2. [ox-en] Fascism and GPL society? (was: Re: the GPL society, theory or practice?)
        L2, Stefan Merten, 23/03/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Fascism and GPL society? (was: Re: the GPL society, theory or practice?)
          L3, Benj. Mako Hill, 27/03/2004
      3. [ox-en] Openness, exclusion of persons, OHA (was: the GPL society, theory or practice?)
        L2, Stefan Merten, 23/03/2004
    oxen T02444 [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list z3118338, 15/03/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list
      L1, Rich Walker, 15/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list
        L2, Niall Douglas, 16/03/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list
          L3, Robin Green, 16/03/2004
        2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list
          L3, Thomas Berker, 16/03/2004
          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list
            L4, z3118338, 16/03/2004
      2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list
        L2, Robin Green, 16/03/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Important: English list
          L3, Stefan Merten, 19/03/2004
    oxen T02440 [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL George Dafermos, 15/03/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
      L1, Benj. Mako Hill, 15/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
        L2, John Bywater, 15/03/2004
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
      L1, George Dafermos, 16/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
        L2, Benj. Mako Hill, 16/03/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
          L3, z3118338, 19/03/2004
          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
            L4, Benj. Mako Hill, 20/03/2004
            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
              L5, Per I. Mathisen, 20/03/2004
    4. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
      L1, George Dafermos, 16/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: usage of software and the CGPL
        L2, John Bywater, 17/03/2004
    oxen T02432 [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics Jonathan Walther, 13/03/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics
      L1, Adam Moran, 13/03/2004
    2. Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics
      L1, Adam Moran, 13/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics
        L2, Per I. Mathisen, 13/03/2004
        1. State of the English list (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics)
          L3, Stefan Merten, 13/03/2004
          1. Re: State of the English list (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics)
            L4, John Bywater, 15/03/2004
        2. Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics
          L3, Niall Douglas, 13/03/2004
          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics
            L4, Robin Green, 16/03/2004
            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics
              L5, Adam Moran, 17/03/2004
    3. [ox-en] Germany local money
      L1, magius, 13/03/2004
    4. Subject based follow-up(s):
    5. Re: [ox-en] Re: Assorted topics
      L1, Rich Walker, 16/03/2004
    oxen T02429 [ox-en] the Meteors V2 Adam Moran, 12/03/2004
    1. Betterment & Misere Ouvert WAS Re: [ox-en] the Meteors V2
      L1, Adam Moran, 13/03/2004
      1. Come to me IS Re: Betterment & Misere Ouvert WAS Re: [ox-en] the Meteors V2
        L2, Adam Moran, 13/03/2004
    oxen T02428 [ox-en] Maurizio Lazzarato, "Struggle, Event, Media" z3118338, 11/03/2004
    oxen T02427 [ox-en] subscribe Adam Moran, 09/03/2004
    oxen T02426 [ox-en] proposal / vorschlag: Kiddy-Workshop Franz Maria Tabei, 08/03/2004
    oxen T02425 [ox-en] Call to Assembly: Internet Commons Congress 2004 Seth Johnson, 07/03/2004
    oxen T02424 [ox-en] IP Enforcement Directive -- Update: last chance to influence MEPs James Heald, 07/03/2004
    oxen T02415 [ox-en] so long, and thanks for all the fish Jonathan Walther, 06/03/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] so long, and thanks for all the fish
      L1, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 06/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] so long, and thanks for all the fish
        L2, Jonathan Walther, 06/03/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] so long, and thanks for all the fish
          L3, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 06/03/2004
    oxen T02410 [ox-en] State of Exception z3118338, 05/03/2004
    oxen T02421 [ox-en] Free Adorno, Free Benjamin Per I. Mathisen, 05/03/2004
    oxen T02422 [ox-en] poxy error! z3118338, 05/03/2004
    oxen T02401 [ox-en] Yann Moulier Boutang, Los nuevos cercamientos: nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación, o la revolución rampante de los derechos de propiedad] z3118338, 04/03/2004
    oxen T02406 [ox-en] [INFO] Community Support Project Team Development Adam Moran, 04/03/2004
    oxen T02402 [ox-en] Yann Moulier Boutang, Los nuevos cercamientos: nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación, o la revolución rampante de los derechos de propiedad auskadi, 04/03/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Yann Moulier Boutang, Los nuevos cercamientos: nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación, o la revolu =?ISO-885
      L1, Graham Seaman, 04/03/2004
    oxen T02396 [ox-en] and copyright on Adorno Stefan Merten, 03/03/2004
    oxen T02392 [ox-en] What do we mean by Politics z3118338, 03/03/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] What do we mean by Politics
      L1, Graham Seaman, 03/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] What do we mean by Politics
        L2, z3118338, 04/03/2004
    oxen T02389 [ox-en] Re: Slavoj Zizek - The One Measure of True Love is: You Can Insult the Other z3118338, 03/03/2004
    oxen T02384 [ox-en] Brain Feeding z3118338, 03/03/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Brain Feeding
      L1, Graham Seaman, 03/03/2004
    oxen T02381 [ox-en] Fwd: UNSUBSCRIBE list-en Jonathan Walther <krooger> Stefan Merten, 03/03/2004
    oxen T02378 The Garden of Eden WAS Re: [Fwd: [ox-en] Provocations] Adam Moran, 02/03/2004
    1. Re: The Garden of Eden WAS Re: [Fwd: [ox-en] Provocations]
      L1, z3118338, 02/03/2004
    oxen T02372 [ox-en] Provocations z3118338, 02/03/2004
    oxen T02377 Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther] Rich Walker, 02/03/2004
      Subject based follow-up(s):
    1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
      L1, Rich Walker, 02/03/2004
    oxen T02369 [no subject] auskadi, 01/03/2004
    oxen T02365 [ox-en] BUT THIS IS A MUST READ [Fwd: <nettime> The State of Networking (with Florian Schneider)] auskadi, 29/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] BUT THIS IS A MUST READ [Fwd: <nettime> The State of Networking (with Florian Schneider)]
      L1, sandor, 29/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] BUT THIS IS A MUST READ [Fwd: <nettime> The State of Networking (with Florian Schneider)]
        L2, auskadi, 01/03/2004
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. Re: [ox-en] BUT THIS IS A MUST READ [Fwd: <nettime> The State of Networking (with Florian Schneider)]
      L1, Rich Walker, 02/03/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] BUT THIS IS A MUST READ [Fwd: <nettime> The State of Networking (with Florian Schneider)]
        L2, Casimir Purzelbaum, 02/03/2004
    oxen T02354 [ox-en] unsubscribe cc, 29/02/2004
      Subject based follow-up(s):
    1. [ox-en] unsubscribe
      L1, Chris Croome, 29/02/2004
    oxen T02356 [ox-en] Re: [pox] Please kick and ban Jonathan Walther for racism Chris, 29/02/2004
    1. Does anyone ever read these posted links? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [pox] Please kick and ban Jonathan Walther for racism)
      L1, Niall Douglas, 01/03/2004
    oxen T02348 [ox-en] off topic auskadi, 29/02/2004
    oxen T02346 [ox-en] Fork YOU auskadi, 29/02/2004
    1. Do not fork (was: Re: [ox-en] Fork YOU)
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 29/02/2004
      1. [ox-en] Re: Do not fork
        L2, auskadi, 29/02/2004
        1. Wiki-links back (was Re: [ox-en] Re: Do not fork)
          L3, Casimir Purzelbaum, 29/02/2004
        2. Re: [ox-en] Re: Do not fork
          L3, Graham Seaman, 29/02/2004
      2. [ox-en] Re: Do not fork
        L2, auskadi, 29/02/2004
    oxen T02333 [ox-en] totally vain.....or i really thought this song was about .... auskadi, 28/02/2004
    oxen T02319 Re: [ox-en] earliest open source licence Joel R Schlosberg, 28/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] earliest open source licence
      L1, auskadi, 28/02/2004
    oxen T02317 [ox-en] Re: Suggested Dipute Resolution WAS [Fsfe-ie] IFSO logo suggestions Adam Moran, 28/02/2004
    oxen T02297 [ox-en] tomorrow auskadi, 27/02/2004
    oxen T02296 [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism? auskadi, 27/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
      L1, Robin Green, 27/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
        L2, Graham Seaman, 27/02/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
          L3, Graham Seaman, 27/02/2004
          1. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
            L4, auskadi, 28/02/2004
            1. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
              L5, sandor, 28/02/2004
            2. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
              L5, Graham Seaman, 28/02/2004
              1. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
                L6, auskadi, 28/02/2004
              2. Re: [ox-en] "counteracting causes" and the most productive class - Negri's Leninism?
                L6, sandor, 28/02/2004
    oxen T02283 Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan Jonathan Walther, 26/02/2004
    1. Re: [pox] Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
      L1, Adam Moran, 26/02/2004
      1. Re: [pox] Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
        L2, Franz Nahrada, 26/02/2004
      2. Re: [pox] Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
        L2, Jonathan Walther, 27/02/2004
    2. Message not available
      1. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
        L2, Jonathan Walther, 27/02/2004
    3. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
      L1, Adam Moran, 27/02/2004
    oxen T02282 [ox-en] "The science of persuasion" Per I. Mathisen, 26/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
      L1, Casimir Purzelbaum, 26/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
        L2, Per I. Mathisen, 26/02/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
          L3, Casimir Purzelbaum, 27/02/2004
          1. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
            L4, auskadi, 27/02/2004
          2. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
            L4, Per I. Mathisen, 27/02/2004
            1. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
              L5, ernie, 27/02/2004
            2. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
              L5, Casimir Purzelbaum, 27/02/2004
              1. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
                L6, Per I. Mathisen, 28/02/2004
                1. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
                  L7, Casimir Purzelbaum, 04/03/2004
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. Re: [ox-en] "The science of persuasion"
      L1, Joel R Schlosberg, 28/02/2004
    oxen T02277 [ox-en] Please stop damaging the project! Stefan Merten, 26/02/2004
    1. [ox-en] Re: Please stop damaging the project!
      L1, auskadi, 26/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Please stop damaging the project!
        L2, sandor, 26/02/2004
        1. [ox-en] Please start the project!
          L3, auskadi, 27/02/2004
          1. Re: [ox-en] Oekonux wiki
            L4, Josef Davies-Coates, 27/02/2004
            1. Re: [ox-en] Oekonux wiki
              L5, Josef Davies-Coates, 27/02/2004
            2. Re: [ox-en] Oekonux wiki
              L5, cc, 27/02/2004
            3. Re: [ox-en] Oekonux wiki
              L5, auskadi, 27/02/2004
          2. Re: [ox-en] Please start the project!
            L4, cc, 28/02/2004
            1. the Reservations WAS Re: [ox-en] Please start the project!
              L5, Adam Moran, 28/02/2004
              1. Re: the Reservations WAS Re: [ox-en] Please start the project!
                L6, auskadi, 28/02/2004
      2. Re: [ox-en] Re: Please stop damaging the project!
        L2, Benj. Mako Hill, 28/02/2004
    2. Re: [ox-en] Please stop damaging the project!
      L1, Stefan Merten, 27/02/2004
    3. Re: [ox-en] Please stop damaging the project!
      L1, Benj. Mako Hill, 28/02/2004
    4. Re: [ox-en] Please stop damaging the project!
      L1, Stefan Merten, 29/02/2004
      1. Translation issue: "show trial" (was Re: [ox-en] Please stop ...)
        L2, Casimir Purzelbaum, 29/02/2004
      2. Re: [ox-en] Please stop damaging the project!
        L2, auskadi, 29/02/2004
    oxen T02260 [ox-en] Update on the EU's IP Enforcement Directive James Heald, 25/02/2004
    oxen T02259 [ox-en] new members Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] new members
      L1, Adam Moran, 26/02/2004
    oxen T02237 [ox-en] Fwd: <nettime> BOOKS I LIKE - some reviews of books I've been reading and using: Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
    oxen T02232 Re: [ox-en] Walther Tacincala, 25/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
      L1, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
        L2, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
    2. Re: [ox-en] Walther
      L1, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
      1. Please kick and ban Jonathan Walther for racism, was: Re: [ox-en] Walther
        L2, Tacincala, 25/02/2004
        1. Re: Please kick and ban Jonathan Walther for racism, was: Re: [ox-en] Walther
          L3, Robin Green, 25/02/2004
          1. Re: Please kick and ban Jonathan Walther for racism, was: Re: [ox-en] Walther
            L4, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
    3. Re: [ox-en] Walther
      L1, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
        L2, Tacincala, 25/02/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
          L3, Gonçalo Valverde, 25/02/2004
    4. Subject based follow-up(s):
    5. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
      L1, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
      1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
        L2, Dale Amon, 25/02/2004
        1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
          L3, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
          1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
            L4, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
          2. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
            L4, Benj. Mako Hill, 28/02/2004
      2. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
        L2, John Goerzen, 25/02/2004
        1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
          L3, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
          1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
            L4, John Goerzen, 25/02/2004
      3. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
        L2, Thomas Sjögren, 25/02/2004
    6. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
      L1, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
      1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
        L2, Benj. Mako Hill, 28/02/2004
        1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
          L3, auskadi, 28/02/2004
          1. Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
            L4, Benj. Mako Hill, 28/02/2004
            1. usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
              L5, Graham Seaman, 28/02/2004
              1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                L6, Benj. Mako Hill, 28/02/2004
                1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 28/02/2004
                  1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                    L8, Benj. Mako Hill, 29/02/2004
              2. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                L6, auskadi, 29/02/2004
                1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                  L7, Jonathan Walther, 29/02/2004
                2. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                  L7, Benj. Mako Hill, 29/02/2004
                  1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                    L8, auskadi, 29/02/2004
                    1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                      L9, Benj. Mako Hill, 01/03/2004
                      1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                        L10, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 02/03/2004
                        1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                          L11, Benj. Mako Hill, 02/03/2004
                        2. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                          L11, Jonathan Walther, 03/03/2004
                          1. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                            L12, Graham Seaman, 03/03/2004
                            1. [ox-en] Openness (was: Re: usage of software)
                              L13, Stefan Merten, 06/03/2004
                              1. Re: [ox-en] Openness (was: Re: usage of software)
                                L14, Niall Douglas, 06/03/2004
                          2. [ox-en] dejavu
                            L12, z3118338, 03/03/2004
                            1. Re: [ox-en] dejavu
                              L13, Benj. Mako Hill, 03/03/2004
                              1. Re: [ox-en] dejavu
                                L14, z3118338, 03/03/2004
                              2. Re: [ox-en] dejavu
                                L14, Robin Green, 03/03/2004
                          3. Re: usage of software [was: Re: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther]
                            L12, Robin Green, 03/03/2004
                          4. [ox-en] pattern: ExileFascistFromSocialResearchProject
                            L12, John Bywater, 03/03/2004
                            1. Re: [ox-en] pattern: ExileFascistFromSocialResearchProject
                              L13, John Bywater, 05/03/2004
                            2. Re: [ox-en] pattern: ExileFascistFromSocialResearchProject
                              L13, Graham Seaman, 05/03/2004
                              1. Re: [ox-en] pattern: ExileFascistFromSocialResearchProject
                                L14, z3118338, 05/03/2004
                                1. Re: [ox-en] pattern: ExileFascistFromSocialResearchProject
                                  L15, Graham Seaman, 05/03/2004
                                  1. Re: [ox-en] pattern: ExileFascistFromSocialResearchProject
                                    L16, z3118338, 06/03/2004
                              2. Re: [ox-en] pattern: ExileFascistFromSocialResearchProject
                                L14, John Bywater, 05/03/2004
    7. RE: Fwd: Re: [ox-en] Walther
      L1, CARMICHAEL, SHAWN (ASI), 25/02/2004
    oxen T02222 [ox-en] Paul Bowmans email to Richard Stallman Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Paul Bowmans email to Richard Stallman
      L1, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Paul Bowmans email to Richard Stallman
        L2, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
          L3, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
          1. Upcoming flame war (was: Re: [ox-en] Walther)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 25/02/2004
            1. Re: Upcoming flame war (was: Re: [ox-en] Walther)
              L5, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
          2. Re: [ox-en] Walther
            L4, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
            1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
              L5, Adam Moran, 25/02/2004
              1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
                L6, Jason Sopko, 25/02/2004
                1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
                  L7, Adam Moran, 25/02/2004
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Walther
                    L8, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
                    1. Re:Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                      L9, Adam Moran, 25/02/2004
                      1. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                        L10, Jonathan Walther, 26/02/2004
                        1. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                          L11, Robin Green, 26/02/2004
                          1. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                            L12, Per I. Mathisen, 26/02/2004
                            1. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                              L13, Adam Moran, 26/02/2004
                            2. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                              L13, Niall Douglas, 26/02/2004
                              1. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                                L14, Jonathan Walther, 26/02/2004
                                1. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                                  L15, Niall Douglas, 26/02/2004
                              2. Re: Debian / ox-en And [ox-en] Jonathan
                                L14, Jonathan Walther, 26/02/2004
                          2. [ox-en] Robin Green's accusations
                            L12, Jonathan Walther, 06/03/2004
                            1. Re: [ox-en] Robin Green's accusations
                              L13, Robin Green, 06/03/2004
            2. Re: [ox-en] [Half off-topic] Walther
              L5, Niall Douglas, 25/02/2004
              1. Re: [ox-en] [Half off-topic] Walther
                L6, Robin Green, 25/02/2004
                1. Re: [ox-en] Qt being proprietary (was: [Half off-topic] Walther)
                  L7, Niall Douglas, 26/02/2004
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Qt being proprietary
                    L8, Gunter van Aken, 26/02/2004
              2. Re: [ox-en] [Half off-topic] Walther
                L6, sandor, 26/02/2004
              3. [ox-en] Re: Walther
                L6, auskadi, 26/02/2004
    2. Re: [ox-en] Paul Bowmans email to Richard Stallman
      L1, Stefan Merten, 25/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Paul Bowmans email to Richard Stallman
        L2, Jonathan Walther, 25/02/2004
      2. Re: [ox-en] Paul Bowmans email to Richard Stallman
        L2, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
    oxen T02221 [ox-en] floss enforcement/compliance Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] floss enforcement/compliance
      L1, Rich Walker, 27/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] floss enforcement/compliance
        L2, auskadi, 27/02/2004
      2. Re: [ox-en] floss enforcement/compliance
        L2, Robin Green, 27/02/2004
    oxen T02214 [ox-en] Open Source Software Production: Fact & Fiction, Martin Hardie, 24/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source Software Production: Fact & Fiction,
      L1, Rich Walker, 27/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source Software Production: Fact & Fiction,
        L2, auskadi, 27/02/2004
    oxen T02213 [ox-en] Free Cooperation discussion on [-empyre-] cc, 24/02/2004
    oxen T02209 [ox-en] Mako and Plagiarism - or in future do your own work mate .... Martin Hardie, 24/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Mako and Plagiarism - or in future do your own work mate ....
      L1, Graham Seaman, 24/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Mako and Plagiarism - or in future do your own work mate ....
        L2, Martin Hardie, 24/02/2004
    2. Re: [ox-en] Mako and Plagiarism - or in future do your own work mate ....
      L1, Benj. Mako Hill, 29/02/2004
    oxen T02205 [ox-en] Fwd: <nettime> Radical machines against the techno-empire Martin Hardie, 23/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: <nettime> Radical machines against the techno-empire
      L1, john03, 24/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: <nettime> Radical machines against the techno-empire
        L2, john03, 24/02/2004
        1. A big welcome to all new posters WAS Re: [ox-en] Fwd: <nettime> Radical machines
          L3, Adam Moran, 25/02/2004
          1. Re: A big welcome to all new posters WAS Re: [ox-en] Fwd: <nettime> Radical machines
            L4, Martin Hardie, 25/02/2004
            1. Re: A big welcome to all new posters WAS Re: [ox-en] Fwd: <nettime> Radical machines
              L5, john03, 26/02/2004
          2. [ox-en] Oekonux
            L4, Josef Davies-Coates, 26/02/2004
            1. Re: [ox-en] Oekonux
              L5, Josef Davies-Coates, 26/02/2004
    oxen T02195 [ox-en] Enforcement directive story now running on Slashdot front page James Heald, 21/02/2004
    1. Re: Net Effect WAS [ox-en] Enforcement directive story now running on Slashdot front page
      L1, Adam Moran, 24/02/2004
    oxen T02194 [ox-en] Re-Modelling Perceptual Positioning and Processing Adam Moran, 21/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] Re-Modelling Perceptual Positioning and Processing
      L1, Niall Douglas, 21/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re-Modelling Perceptual Positioning and Processing
        L2, Adam Moran, 25/02/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Re-Modelling Perceptual Positioning and Processing
          L3, Niall Douglas, 25/02/2004
    oxen T02192 [ox-en] Fwd: self-unfolding - Selbstenftaltung - self valorisation Adam Moran, 20/02/2004
      Subject based follow-up(s):
    1. [ox-en] Fwd: self-unfolding - Selbstenftaltung - self valorisation
      L1, Martin Hardie, 21/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: self-unfolding - Selbstenftaltung - self valorisation
        L2, Graham Seaman, 21/02/2004
        1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: self-unfolding - Selbstenftaltung - self valorisation
          L3, Adam Moran, 23/02/2004
      2. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: self-unfolding - Selbstenftaltung - self valorisation
        L2, Stefan Meretz, 22/02/2004
        1. [ox-en] : self-unfolding - Selbstenftaltung - self valorisation
          L3, Martin Hardie, 23/02/2004
      3. Re: [ox-en] Eudaimonia WAS Fwd: self-unfolding - Selbstenftaltung - self valorisation
        L2, Adam Moran, 23/02/2004
    oxen T02191 [ox-en] [Fsfe-ie] Slashdot submission on Enforcement Directive Adam Moran, 20/02/2004
    oxen T02187 [ox-en] Re: Hi John WAS Protests at Coca Cola launch - date wrong Adam Moran, 20/02/2004
    oxen T02185 [ox-en] Re: [FSC-Fsact] Abstract: comments welcome/requested.. Robin Green, 20/02/2004
    oxen T02183 [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies Adam Moran, 20/02/2004
    1. [ox-en] Re: The Castle of Crossed Destinies
      L1, Adam Moran, 20/02/2004
    2. Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
      L1, Adam Moran, 20/02/2004
    3. Mr Pink WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies - 3 tales: colors
      L1, Adam Moran, 20/02/2004
    4. The Magnificant Seven WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
      L1, Adam Moran, 28/02/2004
      1. Re: The Magnificant Seven WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
        L2, Graham Seaman, 28/02/2004
        1. Re: [pox] Re: The Magnificant Seven WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
          L3, Adam Moran, 29/02/2004
          1. Re: [pox] Re: The Magnificant Seven WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
            L4, Adam Moran, 29/02/2004
            1. Re: [pox] Re: The Magnificant Seven WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
              L5, auskadi, 29/02/2004
            2. Re: [pox] Re: The Magnificant Seven WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
              L5, auskadi, 29/02/2004
              1. the Politics WAS Re: [pox] Re: The Magnificant Seven WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
                L6, Adam Moran, 04/03/2004
    5. the Cure :: Mint Car WAS Re: [ox-en] The Castle of Crossed Destinies
      L1, Adam Moran, 13/03/2004
    oxen T02179 [ox-en] FFII Alert: New EU Directive threatens more SCO-style attacks. Adam Moran, 19/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] FFII Alert: New EU Directive threatens more SCO-style attacks.
      L1, Willy Smith, 19/02/2004
    oxen T02181 [ox-en] A word from SCO johan soderberg, 19/02/2004
    1. Re: [ox-en] A word from SCO
      L1, Martin Hardie, 20/02/2004
    2. [ox-en] earliest open source licence
      L1, Martin Hardie, 20/02/2004
      1. Re: [ox-en] earliest open source licence
        L2, Graham Seaman, 21/02/2004

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