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  • [ox-en] Re: Oekonux IRC channel?, (continued)
  • oxen T00712 [ox-en] Text translation Stefan Merten, 19/11/2002
    oxen T00706 [ox-en] Photos from the 2. Oekonux Conference Chris Croome, 13/11/2002
    oxen T00705 [ox-en] MS efforts to disparage os backfired geert lovink, 10/11/2002
    oxen T00703 [ox-en] New mailing list `chat' (was: Re: [ox] Re: [ox] Re: Off-Topic-Mail) Stefan Merten, 08/11/2002
    1. [ox-en] Re: New mailing list `chat'
      L1, Stefan Merten, 09/11/2002
    oxen T00702 [ox-en] Stefan Merten, 07/11/2002
      Subject based follow-up(s):
    1. [ox-en]
      L1, Yvan Ziadé, 21/02/2008
    2. [ox-en]
      L1, Stefan Merten, 15/03/2009
    oxen T00698 [ox-en] I had a great time - just a couple of thoughts George Dafermos, 06/11/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] I had a great time - just a couple of thoughts
      L1, Chris Croome, 06/11/2002
    oxen T00697 [ox-en] conference & languages Graham Seaman, 05/11/2002
    oxen T00694 [ox-en] Re: [ox] F/LOSH Webseite ist online (Erstes Posting :) Stefan Meretz, 05/11/2002
    oxen T00690 [ox-en] website is online (sorry for the crossposting) Christof Beaupoil, 04/11/2002
      Subject based follow-up(s):
    1. [ox-en] website is online (sorry for the crossposting)
      L1, Christof Beaupoil, 04/11/2002
    oxen T00686 [ox-en] Fwd: [ox] feedback to "ox2" Stefan Meretz, 04/11/2002
    oxen T00692 [ox-en] Discussion on anarchism on Debian devel Kari Pahula, 31/10/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Discussion on anarchism on Debian devel
      L1, pietro, 01/11/2002
    2. Re: [ox-en] Discussion on anarchism on Debian devel
      L1, Stefan Merten, 19/01/2003
    oxen T00678 [ox-en] Fwd: Exhibition opening @ inIVA, Tuesday 12 November, 6pm - 8pm Stefan Merten, 25/10/2002
    1. [ox-en] re brazil (slightly OT)
      L1, Graham Seaman, 25/10/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] re brazil (slightly OT)
        L2, pietro, 01/11/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] re brazil (slightly OT)
          L3, Graham Seaman, 04/11/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] re brazil (slightly OT)
            L4, Raju Mathur, 05/11/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] re brazil (slightly OT)
              L5, Graham Seaman, 05/11/2002
    oxen T00668 [ox-en] muddev oekonux, 19/10/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] muddev
      L1, johan soderberg, 20/10/2002
    2. Re: [ox-en] muddev
      L1, Stefan Merten, 18/01/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] muddev
        L2, oekonux, 20/01/2003
        1. Free Gaming (was: Re: [ox-en] muddev)
          L3, Stefan Merten, 08/02/2003
          1. Re: Free Gaming (was: Re: [ox-en] muddev)
            L4, Chris Croome, 09/02/2003
    oxen T00652 [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software Guzin PESTIMALCIOGLU, 17/10/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 17/10/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
        L2, Elaine Tsiang, 17/10/2002
      2. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
        L2, Timm Murray, 17/10/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
          L3, Graham Seaman, 18/10/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
            L4, Timm Murray, 18/10/2002
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
      L1, Guzin PESTIMALCIOGLU, 17/10/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
        L2, Graham Seaman, 17/10/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
          L3, Stefan Meretz, 17/10/2002
    4. RE: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
      L1, Guzin PESTIMALCIOGLU, 17/10/2002
    5. RE: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
      L1, Guzin PESTIMALCIOGLU, 17/10/2002
    6. RE: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
      L1, Guzin PESTIMALCIOGLU, 18/10/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
        L2, Nadav Har'El, 18/10/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
          L3, Graham Seaman, 18/10/2002
        2. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
          L3, Timm Murray, 18/10/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
            L4, johan soderberg, 20/10/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
              L5, pietro, 20/10/2002
              1. Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
                L6, johan soderberg, 20/10/2002
    oxen T00641 [ox-en] Digital Rights consequences tOM Trottier, 13/10/2002
    oxen T00638 [ox-en] 9.11 Netzwerke London (fwd) Graham Seaman, 12/10/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] 9.11 Netzwerke London (fwd)
      L1, Benni Baermann, 13/10/2002
    oxen T00637 [ox-en] A Classic Drama Hacker-Style geert lovink, 11/10/2002
    oxen T00634 [ox-en] (Fwd) Re: [oclug] Linux in the Ottawa Citizen tOM Trottier, 10/10/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] (Fwd) Re: [oclug] Linux in the Ottawa Citizen
      L1, Russell McOrmond, 13/10/2002
    oxen T00631 Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word (fwd) Graham Seaman, 09/10/2002
    oxen T00629 Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article (fwd) Graham Seaman, 09/10/2002
    oxen T00616 [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article Graham Seaman, 07/10/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article
      L1, Benni Baermann, 07/10/2002
      1. [ox-en] Spreading the word
        L2, johan soderberg, 07/10/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
          L3, Benni Baermann, 08/10/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
            L4, Graham Seaman, 08/10/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
              L5, Benni Baermann, 08/10/2002
              1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                L6, Stefan Meretz, 08/10/2002
          2. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
            L4, johan soderberg, 08/10/2002
            1. [ox-en] "German" list (was: Spreading the word)
              L5, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 09/10/2002
            2. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
              L5, Graham Seaman, 09/10/2002
              1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                L6, johan soderberg, 10/10/2002
                1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                  L7, johan soderberg, 10/10/2002
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                    L8, Stefan Meretz, 11/10/2002
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                      L9, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 12/10/2002
                    2. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                      L9, Stefan Merten, 13/10/2002
                2. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                  L7, pietro, 13/10/2002
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                    L8, Stefan Meretz, 13/10/2002
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                      L9, Graham Seaman, 16/10/2002
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                        L10, Stefan Meretz, 16/10/2002
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
                          L11, pietro, 18/10/2002
                        2. [ox-en] gpl & public funding
                          L11, Graham Seaman, 25/10/2002
        2. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
          L3, Graham Seaman, 08/10/2002
        3. [ox-en] reality check - free cores
          L3, Graham Seaman, 08/10/2002
        4. Re: [ox-en] Spreading the word
          L3, Stefan Merten, 13/10/2002
      2. Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article
        L2, Graham Seaman, 07/10/2002
    2. Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 07/10/2002
    3. Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
      L1, Stefan Merten, 14/10/2002
      1. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
        L2, Graham Seaman, 14/10/2002
        1. [ox-en] Re: Gifts?
          L3, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 16/10/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Gifts?
            L4, Graham Seaman, 16/10/2002
        2. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
          L3, Thomas Berker, 22/10/2002
          1. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
            L4, Graham Seaman, 22/10/2002
            1. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
              L5, Thomas Berker, 24/10/2002
              1. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
                L6, Graham Seaman, 24/10/2002
                1. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
                  L7, Thomas Berker, 30/10/2002
                2. [ox-en] Digital reproducibility (was: Re: Gifts?)
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 18/01/2003
                  1. [ox-en] stallman interview..
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 18/01/2003
                    1. Re: [ox-en] stallman interview..
                      L9, Graham Seaman, 18/01/2003
                      1. Re: [ox-en] stallman interview..
                        L10, pietro, 20/01/2003
                    2. Re: [ox-en] stallman interview..
                      L9, MJ Ray, 18/01/2003
              2. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
                L6, MJ Ray, 25/10/2002
            2. [ox-en] Theory of distribution (was: Re: Gifts?)
              L5, Stefan Merten, 18/01/2003
        3. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
          L3, richard barbrook, 07/11/2002
      2. Re: Gifts? (was: Re: [ox-en] Richard Barbrook article)
        L2, richard barbrook, 07/11/2002
    oxen T00610 [ox-en] Administrative: Starting new threads Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
    oxen T00604 [ox-en] Re: Empire-discussions (was Re: [rox] Invitation / Einladung 2. Oekonux-Konferenz) Graham Seaman, 24/09/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Empire-discussions
      L1, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. [ox-en] Re: Empire-discussions (was Re: [rox] Invitation / Einladung 2. Oekonux-Konferenz)
      L1, alan, 30/10/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Empire-discussions (was Re: [rox] Invitation / Einladung 2. Oekonux-Konferenz)
        L2, Graham Seaman, 30/10/2002
      2. [ox-en] On Lessig
        L2, johan soderberg, 30/10/2002
      3. Re: [ox-en] Re: Empire-discussions (was Re: [rox] Invitation / Einladung 2. Oekonux-Konferenz)
        L2, MJ Ray, 31/10/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Empire-discussions (was Re: [rox] Invitation / Einladung 2. Oekonux-Konferenz)
          L3, Russell McOrmond, 31/10/2002
          1. [ox-en] eric raymond blog
            L4, geert lovink, 07/12/2002
    oxen T00603 [ox-en] Empire-discussions (was Re: [rox] Invitation / Einladung 2. Oekonux-Konferenz) Stefan Meretz, 22/09/2002
    oxen T00602 [ox-en] Invitation / Einladung 2. Oekonux-Konferenz Stefan Merten, 20/09/2002
    oxen T00601 [ox-en] A Battle Over Software Licensing tOM Trottier, 17/09/2002
    oxen T00597 [ox-en] free hardware design interview Graham Seaman, 11/09/2002
    oxen T00595 [ox-en] DRM and all that.... tOM Trottier, 10/09/2002
    oxen T00589 [ox-en] Hint Stefan Meretz, 30/08/2002
    oxen T00587 [ox-en] Computer Programmers Rally for Bill tOM Trottier, 17/08/2002
    oxen T00584 [ox-en] Fwd: FLOSS Final Report published Stefan Meretz, 15/08/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: FLOSS Final Report published
      L1, Graham Seaman, 15/08/2002
      1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Fwd: FLOSS Final Report published
        L2, Stefan Merten, 15/08/2002
    oxen T00582 [ox-en] FLOSS study final report Stefan Merten, 05/08/2002
    1. [ox-en] Declan McCullagh: Geeks in government: A good idea?
      L1, geert lovink, 13/08/2002
    oxen T00577 [ox-en] peer to peer society michel . bauwens, 25/07/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] peer to peer society
      L1, Graham Seaman, 27/07/2002
      1. [ox-en] GNU / surplus value
        L2, johan soderberg, 29/07/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] GNU / surplus value
          L3, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. FW: [ox-en] peer to peer society
      L1, michel . bauwens, 20/08/2002
      1. [ox-en] free software, free technology, and government..
        L2, Graham Seaman, 01/09/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] free software, free technology, and government..
          L3, Chris Croome, 01/09/2002
          1. [ox-en] Young, male and (probably) NOT single
            L4, geert lovink, 02/09/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] Young, male and (probably) NOT single
              L5, Benja Fallenstein, 02/09/2002
              1. Re: [ox-en] Young, male and (probably) NOT single
                L6, Benja Fallenstein, 02/09/2002
              2. Re: [ox-en] Young, male and (probably) NOT single
                L6, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
          2. Re: [ox-en] free software, free technology, and government..
            L4, Graham Seaman, 11/09/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] free software, free technology, and government..
              L5, Chris Croome, 12/09/2002
              1. Re: [ox-en] free software, free technology, and government..
                L6, Graham Seaman, 12/09/2002
                1. Re: [ox-en] free software, free technology, and government..
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 17/09/2002
        2. Re: [ox-en] free software, free technology, and government..
          L3, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
    oxen T00566 [ox-en] Linux in schools John Norem, 08/07/2002
    1. [ox-en] open source biology
      L1, Graham Seaman, 10/07/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] open source biology
        L2, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
    oxen T00565 RE: [ox-en] linux & manufacturing michel . bauwens, 08/07/2002
    1. Peer-to-peer (was: Re: [ox-en] linux & manufacturing)
      L1, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
    oxen T00549 [ox-en] another paper Moritz Lennert, 26/06/2002
    oxen T00548 [ox-en] Oekonux-Conference 2002: Call for Paper Benni Baermann, 26/06/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Oekonux-Conference 2002: Call for Paper
      L1, Stefan Merten, 26/06/2002
      1. [ox-en] linux & manufacturing
        L2, Graham Seaman, 07/07/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] linux & manufacturing
          L3, Stefan Merten, 08/07/2002
    oxen T00546 [ox-en] More texts Stefan Merten, 22/06/2002
    1. [ox-en] more on medicine ip & prices
      L1, Graham Seaman, 24/06/2002
    oxen T00545 [ox-en] Fwd: [wos] freie sw projekte: das werk einzelner? Stefan Merten, 22/06/2002
    oxen T00544 [ox-en] Ilkka Tuomi * Internet, Innovation, and Open Source: Actors in the Network Stefan Merten, 22/06/2002
    oxen T00540 [ox-en] CNET: Lindows, anyone? geert lovink, 21/06/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] CNET: Lindows, anyone?
      L1, Graham Seaman, 21/06/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] CNET: Lindows, anyone?
        L2, Russell McOrmond, 21/06/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] CNET: Lindows, anyone?
          L3, Raju Mathur, 21/06/2002
    oxen T00538 [ox-en] Interesting link? Stefan Merten, 19/06/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Interesting link?
      L1, Lance, 20/06/2002
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. [ox-en] Interesting link?
      L1, Stefan Merten, 05/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Interesting link?
        L2, Benj. Mako Hill, 06/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Interesting link?
          L3, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
    oxen T00558 [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux Tom Trottier, 14/06/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux
      L1, Graham Seaman, 14/06/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux
        L2, Russell McOrmond, 14/06/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux
          L3, Raju Mathur, 15/06/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux
            L4, Graham Seaman, 15/06/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux
              L5, Graham Seaman, 16/06/2002
            2. Promoting GNU/Linux in schools (was: Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux)
              L5, Stefan Merten, 08/07/2002
      2. Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux
        L2, Stefan Merten, 08/07/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] E-Mexico favours Windows over Linux
          L3, Graham Seaman, 08/07/2002
    oxen T00532 [ox-en] [PR] tttp, 13/06/2002
    oxen T00518 [ox-en] open hardware thread Graham Seaman, 05/06/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] open hardware thread
      L1, Stefan Merten, 10/06/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] open hardware thread
        L2, Timm Murray, 10/06/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] open hardware thread
          L3, Graham Seaman, 10/06/2002
    oxen T00514 [ox-en] Free Book: Free Software Project Stefan Merten, 03/06/2002
    1. [ox-en] Re: [ox] Free Book: Free Software Project
      L1, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 04/06/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Free Book: Free Software Project
        L2, Stefan Merten, 09/06/2002
    oxen T00504 [ox-en] Amy Wohl's Opinions - Linux United? Not Yet geert lovink, 01/06/2002
    oxen T00509 [ox-en] about difficulties of using open-source-software (linux) in commercial-enviroment joy, 31/05/2002
    oxen T00500 [ox-en] writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software ? Zeljko Blace, 28/05/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software ?
      L1, joy, 31/05/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software ?
        L2, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 31/05/2002
    2. Re: [ox-en] writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software - update
      L1, joy, 31/05/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software - update
        L2, Stefan Merten, 09/06/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software - update
          L3, joy, 10/06/2002
    3. Re: [ox-en] writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software ?
      L1, Stefan Merten, 03/06/2002
      1. [ox-en] OT: KDE (was: writings on the problems of standardisation of Open Source software ?)
        L2, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 05/06/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] OT: KDE
          L3, Stefan Merten, 09/06/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] OT: KDE
            L4, Stefan Meretz, 10/06/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] OT: KDE
              L5, Aidan Delaney, 11/06/2002
    oxen T00493 [ox-en] Fwd: AICA OpenSource Meeting - call for contributions Stefan Merten, 26/05/2002
    oxen T00490 [ox-en] "Open Source Solutions Showcase" Week : May 27-31, 2002 (fwd) Russell McOrmond, 25/05/2002
    1. Furthering respect to intellectual property rights (was: [ox-en] "Open Source Solutions Showcase" Week : May 27-31, 2002 (fwd))
      L1, Stefan Merten, 26/05/2002
      1. Re: Furthering respect to intellectual property rights (was: [ox-en] "Open Source Solutions Showcase" Week : May 27-31, 2002 (fwd))
        L2, Russell McOrmond, 26/05/2002
    oxen T00486 [ox-en] Blotter extended Stefan Merten, 19/05/2002
    1. RE: [ox-en] Blotter extended
      L1, admin, 23/05/2002
    oxen T00485 [ox-en] Pekka Himanen * The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age Stefan Merten, 19/05/2002
    1. RE: [ox-en] Pekka Himanen * The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age
      L1, admin, 22/05/2002
    oxen T00484 [ox-en] Fwd: A Toolkit for Customer Innovation Stefan Merten, 18/05/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: A Toolkit for Customer Innovation
      L1, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 21/05/2002
    oxen T00483 [ox-en] Fwd: [wos] Creative Commons has launched Stefan Merten, 17/05/2002
    oxen T00477 [ox-en] open standards Graham Seaman, 10/05/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] open standards
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 13/05/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] open standards
        L2, Stefan Merten, 26/05/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] open standards
          L3, Timm Murray, 26/05/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] open standards
            L4, Graham Seaman, 26/05/2002
          2. [ox-en] Patents...
            L4, Russell McOrmond, 26/05/2002
        2. Re: [ox-en] open standards
          L3, Graham Seaman, 26/05/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] open standards
            L4, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 28/05/2002
    oxen T00475 [ox-en] New pages in the introduction Stefan Merten, 09/05/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction
      L1, Graham Seaman, 10/05/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction
        L2, Stefan Meretz, 13/05/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction
          L3, Graham Seaman, 13/05/2002
          1. Value of software (was: Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 03/06/2002
            1. Re: Value of software (was: Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction)
              L5, Graham Seaman, 03/06/2002
              1. Re: Value of software (was: Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction)
                L6, Timm Murray, 03/06/2002
                1. Re: Value of software (was: Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction)
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 05/06/2002
                  1. [ox-en] Value of medicine (was: Re: Value of software)
                    L8, Stefan Merten, 18/06/2002
              2. [ox-en] Re: Value of software
                L6, Stefan Merten, 09/06/2002
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Value of software
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 10/06/2002
                  1. Property vs. possession (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: Value of software)
                    L8, Stefan Merten, 07/07/2002
          2. Value of software (was: Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction)
            L4, Stefan Meretz, 10/06/2002
            1. Re: Value of software (was: Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction)
              L5, Graham Seaman, 11/06/2002
              1. [ox-en] (Im)material (was: Value of software)
                L6, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 13/06/2002
                1. Re: [ox-en] (Im)material (was: Value of software)
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 13/06/2002
              2. [ox-en] Re: Value of software
                L6, Stefan Merten, 07/07/2002
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Value of software
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 08/07/2002
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Value of software
                    L8, Stefan Meretz, 24/07/2002
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Value of software
                      L9, Graham Seaman, 25/07/2002
                    2. [ox-en] coase's penguin?
                      L9, Graham Seaman, 26/07/2002
                      1. [ox-en] peru continued
                        L10, Graham Seaman, 26/07/2002
                        1. Re: [ox-en] peru continued
                          L11, Chris Croome, 29/07/2002
                          1. Re: [ox-en] peru continued
                            L12, Graham Seaman, 29/07/2002
                  2. Re: [ox-en] Re: Value of software
                    L8, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2002
                2. [ox-en] Microsoft + Bush v Peru
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 11/07/2002
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Microsoft + Bush v Peru
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 13/07/2002
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Microsoft + Bush v Peru
                      L9, Benni Baermann, 13/07/2002
                    2. RE: [ox-en] Microsoft + Bush v Peru
                      L9, admin, 13/07/2002
      2. "Blotter"? (was: Re: [ox-en] New pages in the introduction)
        L2, Stefan Merten, 03/06/2002
    oxen T00472 [ox-en] peruvian law Graham Seaman, 30/04/2002
      Subject based follow-up(s):
    1. RE: [ox-en] peruvian law
      L1, paul . 7 . saunders, 01/05/2002
      1. RE: [ox-en] peruvian law
        L2, Russell McOrmond, 01/05/2002
    oxen T00476 [ox-en] Motivation benni, 29/04/2002
    oxen T00471 [ox-en] REVOLUTION OS geert lovink, 29/04/2002
    oxen T00470 [ox-en] El retrete utopico Stefan Merten, 28/04/2002
    oxen T00458 [ox-en] Production Mini-plants in mobile containers. Co-investment Program The Financial News, 22/04/2002
    oxen T00457 Re: [Cdn-DMCA] [ox-en] positive intellectual rights (fwd) - Phillipe Aigrain Tom Trottier, 16/04/2002
    oxen T00455 [ox-en] positive intellectual rights Graham Seaman, 16/04/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] positive intellectual rights
      L1, Russell McOrmond, 16/04/2002
    2. Re: [ox-en] positive intellectual rights
      L1, Stefan Merten, 27/04/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] positive intellectual rights
        L2, Graham Seaman, 27/04/2002
    oxen T00443 [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary Stefan Merten, 11/04/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
      L1, Graham Seaman, 11/04/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
        L2, Stefan Merten, 24/04/2002
    2. Subject based follow-up(s):
    3. Re: [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
      L1, Timm Murray, 11/04/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
        L2, Paul Berendsen, 11/04/2002
      2. Re: [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
        L2, Graham Seaman, 11/04/2002
    4. RE: [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
      L1, paul . 7 . saunders, 12/04/2002
      1. RE: [ox-en] Questions about vocabulary
        L2, Graham Seaman, 12/04/2002
    oxen T00441 [ox-en] Alan Cox about "Cathedrals, Bazaars and the Town Council" Stefan Merten, 09/04/2002
    oxen T00440 [ox-en] spanish 'utopische klo' Graham Seaman, 09/04/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] spanish 'utopische klo'
      L1, Stefan Merten, 23/04/2002
      1. [ox-en] gates on open source
        L2, geert lovink, 24/04/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] gates on open source
          L3, Timm Murray, 24/04/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] gates on open source
            L4, Russell McOrmond, 24/04/2002
    oxen T00439 [ox-en] [Freesw] Free Sw Manifesto in English, (fwd) Graham Seaman, 04/04/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] [Freesw] Free Sw Manifesto in English, (fwd)
      L1, Stefan Meretz, 09/04/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] [Freesw] Free Sw Manifesto in English, (fwd)
        L2, Graham Seaman, 12/04/2002
        1. [ox-en] MOZILLA RELEASES 1.0 BROWSER
          L3, geert lovink, 13/04/2002
        2. [ox-en] - site gone - new links to 'right to compatability'?
          L3, Russell McOrmond, 13/04/2002
          1. Re: [ox-en] - site gone - new links to 'right to compatability'?
            L4, Graham Seaman, 14/04/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] - site gone - new links to 'right to compatability'?
              L5, Graham Seaman, 14/04/2002
    oxen T00434 [ox-en] opinions? Graham Seaman, 25/03/2002
    1. [ox-en] What Are Technology's Gifts? (Kevin Kelly and Steve Talbott)
      L1, geert lovink, 03/04/2002
    2. Re: [ox-en] opinions?
      L1, Stefan Merten, 23/04/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] opinions?
        L2, Graham Seaman, 24/04/2002
        1. Location politics (was: [ox-en] opinions?)
          L3, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 24/04/2002
        2. Re: [ox-en] opinions?
          L3, Stefan Merten, 27/04/2002
        3. Re: [ox-en] opinions? [ooops]
          L3, Graham Seaman, 10/05/2002
          1. [ox-en] Unions?
            L4, Russell McOrmond, 12/05/2002
            1. Re: [ox-en] Unions?
              L5, Stefan Meretz, 13/05/2002
              1. Re: [ox-en] Unions?
                L6, Russell McOrmond, 13/05/2002
    oxen T00422 [ox-en] translate please! Benni Baermann, 14/03/2002
    1. [ox-en] translate please!
      L1, klaus schilling, 14/03/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] translate please!
        L2, Benni Baermann, 14/03/2002
    2. [ox-en] rms in india
      L1, geert lovink, 18/03/2002
    oxen T00421 [ox-en] [ox] Guardian 2002-03-12: Patent Nonsense (fwd) Graham Seaman, 12/03/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] [ox] Guardian 2002-03-12: Patent Nonsense (fwd)
      L1, Graham Seaman, 13/03/2002
      1. [ox-en] Marxist Theory and Free Software
        L2, geert lovink, 14/03/2002
      2. Re: [ox-en] [ox] Guardian 2002-03-12: Patent Nonsense (fwd)
        L2, grok, 04/04/2002
        1. Re: [ox-en] [ox] Guardian 2002-03-12: Patent Nonsense (fwd)
          L3, Graham Seaman, 04/04/2002
        2. Re: [ox-en] [ox] Guardian 2002-03-12: Patent Nonsense (fwd)
          L3, Russell McOrmond, 04/04/2002
    oxen T00416 [ox-en] Participatory Economics I. Claude Harper, 10/03/2002
    1. Re: [ox-en] Participatory Economics
      L1, Graham Seaman, 11/03/2002
      1. Re: [ox-en] Participatory Economics
        L2, Benni Baermann, 11/03/2002
      2. Re: [ox-en] Participatory Economics
        L2, I. Claude Harper, 12/03/2002
        1. Oekonux and ZMag (was: Re: [ox-en] Participatory Economics)
          L3, Stefan Merten, 24/03/2002
    oxen T00413 Re: [ox-en] esr on software costs Timm Murray, 07/03/2002

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